Final Fantasy XI Deal

For those of you who have been considering buying Final Fantasy XI for the PC, this is a good time to order it. First off, is offering for a limited time free 1 day shipping for the game, saving you the normal $8.99 charge. Second, if you are a premium member, your Allakhazam 10% discount coupon works for this purchase, saving you another $5.00. And finally, if you buy the strategy guide, you can use your premium coupon for 25% off of that, saving you another $5.00. Wait, let me add that up. You pay us $9.99 for a 3 month membership and get all of our cool premium features (and yes we will have an FFXI site), and then on top of that you can go to, buy the FFXI game and strategy guide using your allakhazam coupons and the ebgames free shipping offer and save $18.99 - more than you actually paid to begin with. Hmm. Seems like a good deal to me. Why not sign up for premium membership here and then use this link to order FFXI through (Or if you don't want to sign up now, we are offering exclusively through a free 30 day trial membership to our site to those who buy FFXI. That applies to all of our sites, so you will have full access to all of our EQOA and FFXI services for 30 days by buying the game through


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