New Firefall Video Dev Diary: The PAX Experience

The latest Firefall Video Dev Diary follows the team's experience at PAX East. The team officially unveiled Firefall at PAX Prime in September 2010, and they just showed off the first playable demo at PAX East.

This video goes in depth with VP of Development James Macauley and Lead Designer Scott Youngblood as they explain the level of stress that comes with presenting a playable demo to the public, as well as how pleased they were with the crowd's response.

Community Manager Matt DeWald also steps in to send a personal message to all the Firefall fans who attended PAX.

Watch the full video after the jump and don't forget to read our in-depth play-through of the Firefall demo from PAX East.

Firefall Dev Diary: April 2011

Tags: Firefall, News


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