DC Universe Online's Update 3 Roundtable Interview
We sat down with DCUO's Creative Director Jens Andersen, Executive Producer Lorin Jameson and the newly promoted Game Director Mark Anderson in a roundtable interview about Update 3 and beyond.
Outside of DCUO's featured Update 3 content, we also got into some general questions, most notable being Chris Cao, DCUO's former game director, leaving and being replaced by Mark Anderson. While the team couldn't get into the specifics of Chris Cao's departure, they expressed enthusiasm with Mark Anderson taking the lead, as he was the one responsible for many of DCUO's core strengths, like its fast combat.
Mark Anderson had a number of points that he wanted to make about his overall vision for DCUO. Most importantly, Mark immediately addressed the issue of DCUO's delayed content updates, stressing that, while they really wanted to hit their set dates, it was more important that they make the best product they possibly can. Mark also admitted, however, that they have yet to hit their stride when it comes to producing these updates, and he made it clear that achieving a steady, predictable development tempo is one of his key visions.
When asked about future developments, Mark also noted that he wants to focus their new content on doing fewer new and wacky things, but more things that fans are looking for that capitalize on DCUO's strengths. In tandem with this resolution, Mark pointed out that they were in a period where they were pushing so hard to get updates out the door that they weren't really interacting with their community, and he's vowed that they'll connect more with their fans while pushing to deliver more content to those players.
All in all, it looks like, for the next few months, this team will be hard at work to hit its stride. With the upcoming MegaServer merges and this Update 3 on the way, DCUO fans should be content in knowing that their superhero's future is in good hands.
Christopher "Pwyff" Tom, Senior Staff Writer.