Guild Wars 2 Gamescom Demo Showcases New Content

ArenaNet announced today that it will be showing off a new Guild Wars 2 demo at Gamescom next month that includes a lot of public premieres: the Charr starter area, the playable sylvari and asura races, character customization and PvP! Here's an overview of what will be shown at NCsoft's booth:

  • Seven professions – Play all seven professions that we’ve revealed so far: engineer, thief, guardian, necromancer, ranger, warrior, and elementalist.
  • Charr starter experience – For the first time, you can forge your destiny as a member of the Iron, Ash, or Blood Legion in our charr starter area. You can also choose to play the human and norn starting experience as well.
  • Mid level demo – As always, we’ve prepared a higher level demo experience for players who want a challenge. Face powerful Orrian enemies on land, engage them in battle underwater and face off against a new boss.
  • Sylvari and asura – Did I mention that you’ll be playing sylvari and asura characters for this high level content? Yes, for the first time, players will be able to get their hands on these unique races – believe me, they are impressive!
  • Character appearance customization – Also for the first time, you’ll be able to play around with our character appearance customization feature and control the way your character looks.
  • PvP – Last but certainly not least, we’re premiering Guild Wars 2 Player vs Player (PvP) at gamescom!

Gamescom will be held in Cologne, Germany from August 17-21.


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