Qho's Fan Faire Adventures!

In an original story by ZAM's own Cyliena, Qho goes on a wild adventure at the 2011 SOE Fan Faire in Las Vegas.

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Saturday afternoon was creeping up and I took Qho out to lunch with Calthine and Domino. Qho was quite excited about Grey Poupon and tried to convince me to take it home so that he could study it more there. Domino showed him the joys of "Marr Cherries" in adult beverages and had to endure the boy chattering about cherries for the rest of the meal.

One of the final EverQuest II Fan Faire panels quickly approached and Qho begged for a way to meet more of Norrath's creators. We approached the developer table and Carlos "Gninja" Mora welcomed Qho to sit at their table during the panel. The brat managed to keep his mouth shut for the entire Content and Art Design panel, much to the amazement of the audience.

We went sight-seeing a bit after the panel and ended up at the Bellagio fountains. Qho "oooed" and "ahhed" throughout the entire fountain show and thankfully did not try to harvest any ducks afterward. He spent some more time looking around the city before trekking back to the hotel for the closing ceremony.

Qho got a first class trip into the closing ceremony and helped us nab a great table near the stage. He proceeded to take bits of food off of everyone's plates and alternated between stuffing them into his pockets and his mouth. The costume contest was a blast and Qho cheered the most for the Gingerbread Man.

After the ceremony we helped Qho sneak onto the stage so that he could speak to those remaining about the importance of providing him harvests. He wowed all tens of people watching him and was eventually chased off stage by the Community team.

Our Fan Faire adventures were coming to a close and I gave Qho a couple of last minute treats. He played slots for a while, lamenting that no fruit was paid out, then took a good look for the last time at the nighttime Vegas lights. The boy was finally tuckered out from one crazy weekend and went to bed while I snuck out to enjoy the remainder of the night.

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Check out the entire Qho's Fan Faire Adventures gallery!

Taking Qho to Fan Faire was quite the undertaking. I have to admit that this was the most difficult Qho Adventure story I have related so far.

I'm happy that so many people were accommodating with the various stunts that Calthine and I pulled with Qho. He got many laughs and it was truly a blast to see what crazy thing we could "make Qho do" next. I have a lot of people to thank for making my full story possible!

First and foremost, huge thanks go to Calthine for helping me with most of Qho's setups. He had to be held up for a lot of them and she was more than happy to oblige and had some great ideas for what to do with him next.

Special thanks go to Calthine, Domino, Feldon, Soresha and Togikagi for several of Qho's pictures. This was one of those things where not every picture I took came out great, or they simply captured a different moment or angle, and I'm very grateful for the terrific photos that they snapped.

Additional thanks go to: the Green Screen team (they did an AMAZING job on Qho's green screen picture!), the authenticator lady who had no idea who Qho was, the employees running the Station Store for putting up with us giggling and taking pictures there, Amnerys for allowing us to take Qho's picture with Cloudrat's proxy at the silent auction table, the Alienware people for letting us briefly borrow their jeep window, Gninja for allowing me to keep Qho on the dev panel table, Kaitheel for kindly picking Qho up after accidentally knocking him over on the dev table, Smokejumper for stoically tolerating us taking a picture of Qho on his shoulder when he was completely engrossed in a conversation and last, but not least, Domino for giving me the inspiration to bring Qho to Fan Faire when she mentioned Qho "photo-bombing" a screenshot on the Norrathian Homeshow forum.

Don't forget to become a fan of Qho on Facebook!

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Qho was everywhere!
# Aug 11 2011 at 2:03 PM Rating: Excellent
295 posts
Qho was the Fan Faire VIP! He was at every party, was on a first-name basis with every SOE employee, and was seen all over Vegas! I'm pretty sure he was up all night at the Bally's casino, too. Smiley: smile
Too Cute!
# Aug 11 2011 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
I thought he was actually a clay model until he was tucked into bed.
Too Cute!
# Aug 11 2011 at 10:36 AM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
xdatinelia wrote:
I thought he was actually a clay model until he was tucked into bed.

That's a good idea, though he would've been more unwieldy to tote around then. :) I printed out as big of a picture of him as I could on my photo printer and cut him out.

My original printout I had even cut out a cardboard-sized Qho for a backing but a super glue disaster ruined that one (and part of a coaster). *blush*

The incarnation I took with me was just a simple picture printout as I didn't have the time for a second attempt at the cardboard backing. He's chilling on my desk now! ;)
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