EverQuest II's Game Update 61 Wrap-Up

The latest EverQuest II update, The War of Zek, is packed with new content. Check out all of our guides!

The War of Zek (Game Update 61) went live today and is packed full of a variety of content and a massive reitemization effort for levels 20-80. Several issues did crop up in regards to the Alternate Advancement reset and unattuning of gear. These problems are expected to be resolved in a hotfix tomorrow.

An Alternate Advancement revamp restructured some trees while several classes saw changes, removals or replacements of existing AA abilities. A new Tradeskill AA tree was added, sharing the same AA experience pool asadventuring advancements. The full changes to this system, including class breakdowns, are available in the GU61 patch notes.

Adventurers may be pleased to revisit new takes on older Desert of Flames era zones: the Palace of Sabaron and Silent City: The Delving Dead. Both are new dynamic dungeons, which feature different population sets and are expected to have extra bonuses if visited via the upcoming Dungeon Finder system. The Eastern Wastes were augmented with two new quest series, continuing the stories of the Thrael'Gorr Clan and Stormfeather's Pride.

Continue after the jump for more on Game Update 61's content and features!


Crafters and decorators get their own share of content this update. A new Housing Directory allows decorators to publish their homes, which can then be visited and rated for the leaderboards. Carpenters receive many new floor tile, divider and sign recipes and all Artisans who have earned the trust of Brontis can purchase the Relics of Drunder recipe scroll from him.

The Arasai and Fae races felt left out when Velious introduced flying mounts to the game. In GU61 they discover why their races had lacked the ability to fly and eventually receive the ultimate blessing of flight. This quest series is available to any faefolke Adventurers or Crafters that are level 85 and up.

Beastlords have been a long requested class and finally they will make their appearance in Norrath. Before they can do so, with the launch of the Age of Discovery expansion (ETA: November 2011), players can set out on an adventure that will help prepare the world for a New Awakening. Good aligned players should seek out Caalnia in Antonica while evil aligned players can meet with Elmin in the Commonlands.

Check out all of ZAM's Game Update 61 Previews!


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