The Beastlord Prelude Continues!

The final chapter in the Beastlord Prelude event is introduced in today's patch.

Beastlords disappeared from Norrath as the Truespirit, powerful spirit guides, retreated along with the gods. Since the Age of Cataclysm, their power has been slowly re-entering the world, but their very existence was in danger from a corruption called the Blight. In the first half of the Beastlord Prelude event adventurers assisted the wise spirits Ilfanul and Ravinus with eliminating the Blight through a ritual cleansing.

The Truespirit calls forth those brave adventurers again to further assist with the Third Awakening of the Beastlords. Harbingers of this Awakening will test whether or not these people are are worthy of introducing the teachings of the Bonding rituals between Beastlord and Warder to Norrath.

Evil aligned players may continue their journey with Olgen at the Temple of War in North Freeport. Good aligned players can speak to Meli outside the Temple of Life in North Qeynos. Adventurers who have not assisted with the first half of this event should seek out Caalina in Antonica or Elmin in Commonlands.

The final chapter in the Beastlord Prelude Event begins with today's update and should run until the launch of Age of Discovery.


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