ArenaNet Conference Call: Confirms GW2 on Console

ArenaNet took some time today during a NCSoft Conference Call to respond to comments over a possible console release of Guild Wars 2. While a console release is something ArenaNet has hinted about in the past, we have never received much emphasis on its development. 

However, during the conference call, we gained a little insight on their stance for console and mobile game production. "When it comes to Guild Wars 2 as we have announced already, we are in the preparation stage. For other titles we looking at various options as we speak. So once again, nothing has been finalized yet for me to make specific comments now." So it seems they are not ready to publicly tell us when we can expect a console release for Guild Wars 2, but they did come out and say it is not probable for the console version to share the same launch date as its PC counterpart.

For those who might be worried about console development affecting the overall game, Martin Kerstein took to the forums to tell fans to "stay calm, don't panic". There is in fact a small team working on a console version of the game, but that hasn't changed the focus of making the best PC game possible.

As for launch of the PC version, ArenaNet responded saying "We will be considering 'seasonality factors' when determining final commercialization (for Blade & Sould and GW2). In March & April there will be large scale testing for GW2 and depending on results of testing, a finalized commercialization schedule will be determined."

Hopefully this means we hear information of an actual release date sometime after April, but NCSoft mentioned they take player gaming habits and lifestyle into account when looking to release a game. And being as traffic on MMO server slows during the summer months, we could potentially be looking at a release much later in the year.


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