Bristlebane Day Starts March 27!

The Grand Prankster makes his annual visit to Norrath in this live event.

Bristlebane Day starts tomorrow, March 27th, and runs through April 9th. (Yes, it will have a one-day crossover with the Chronoportals anniversary event.) There's a a new Snack Catcher game to play, a new recipe book, and new rewards!

On April 1st things really crank up with Jester's superior gardens in Enchanted lands giving harvestables from all holidays.  Frostfell crafting stations will also pop up in Enchanted Lands on April 1. There are two quests offered exclusively on April Fool's Day, so you'd best like riddles if you want to add to your dice collection!

Read all about it in our Bristlebane Day Guide! And if you've got a lot of alts, use our Bristlebane Day Quest Tracker to help keep track of them during the event.


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