MSI will be giving away Secret World beta keys!

If enough players sign up, MSI will be 'unlocking' prizes throughout the month.

Got a hankering for some cult exploration and free-form character progression? Well, soon our friends over at MSI will be giving away beta keys for The Secret World! All you need to do is help them make it to 55,000 likes, and they'll give those beta codes away. Currently, the count is around 54,300, so expect to get your key fairly soon if you sign up.

But wait, there's more! MSI is also giving away some "secret" prizes if their page hits an even higher number of likes. If sillhouettes are a fair indication, then it looks like some swanky hardware will be raffled out at 57k likes, and laptops will be the prize if they can hit their stretch goal of 60k likes. If any of that sounds attractive to you, be sure to head on over to the MSI Facebook page to get signed up!


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