GuildCast Launches First Episode of BuildCast

Buildcast 1: Glasscanons, The Dodge Mechanic, Legacy Of The Forefire, Mesmer DPS Analysis

With Guild Wars 2 just around the corner, questions must be buzzing in your mind - what kind of builds can I make? Are they viable for the PVP arena? What kind of options will there be? Well the team behind GuildCast, the rockin' Guild Wars 2 show from GameBreaker.TV, has launched a new show to answer those questions, BuildCast. Yeah, it sounds like a Minecraft podcast, but it's much better than that, and their first episode features lots of talk on the 'glass cannon' viability, the Dodge mechanic, balance changes in the third Beta week, and a ton more.

Check out the first episode of BuildCast after the jump!


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