Monday, July the 30th 2012

New Items: Map to North Downs - TrestlebridgeMap to Enedwaith - Nar's PeakMap to Moria - Shadowed RefugeMap to Trollshaws - Echad CandellethMap to Ered Luin - DuilondMap to Trollshaws - ThorenhadMap to Bree-land - Hengstacer Farm Map to Lothlorien - Echad AndestelMap to Evendim - OatbartonMap to Moria - Chamber of CrossroadsMap to Eregion - GwingrisMap to Bree-land - N. Barrow-downsMap to Moria - HadudbabMap to Evendim - EavespiresMap to Angmar - Western Malenhad Map to Thorin's Hall - Thorin's Hall HomesteadsMap to Bree-land - Bree-land HomesteadsMap to the Shire - Shire HomesteadsMap to Ered Luin - Falathlorn HomesteadsMap to Mirkwood - ScuttledellsMap to the Lone-lands - HarloegMap to Moria - ZirakzigilMap to Moria - Deep DescentMap to Moria - Jazargund

Updated Objects: Wooden ChestBackpack

Updated Titles: Studier of the Equine

Updated Items: Milestone Skill (formerly known as the Map Home)Map to the Lone-landsMap to the Bree-landMap to the ShireMap to EsteldinMap to ForochelMap to Bree-townMap to Michel DelvingMap to Thorin's HallMap to Ost GuruthMap to West BreeMap to Suri-kylaMap to RivendellMap to Lone-landsMap to HobbitonMap to Thorin's HallMap to DuillondMap to Northern Barrow-downsMap to Moria - Gharaf-fehemMap to EsteldinMap to TinnudirMap to Echad MirobelMap to Echad DunannMap to the Misty MountainsMap to Emyn LumMap to HadudbabMap to Mezer-serejMap to the EavespiresMap to Gharaf-fehemHurried TravellerMap to Bree-land - BucklandMap to Evendim - AnnuminasMap to Forochel - Suri-kylaMap to Trollshaws - RivendellMap to North Downs - EsteldinMap to Angmar - Gath ForthnirMap to Angmar - AughaireMap to Bree-land - W. Bree-townMap to Shire - HobbitonMap to Lone-lands - Ost GuruthMap to Mirkwood - Emyn LumMap to Moria - Twenty-first HallMap to Dunland - GaltrevMap to Enedwaith - Echad SaeradanMap to Angmar - Imlad BalchorthMap to Dunland - Grimbold's CampMap to Trollshaws - Barachen's CampMap to Evendim - TinnudirMap to the Shire - HobbitonMap to Ered Luin - Thorin's HallMap to Dunland - Lhan RhosMap to Angmar - Tarmunn SursaMap to Moria - Dolven-viewMap to North Downs - OthrikarMap to Bree-land - The Old ForestMap to Forochel - Pynti-peldotMap to Moria - First HallMap to Eregion - Echad DunannMap to Bree-land - The HorsefieldsMap to Eregion - Echad MirobelMap to Forochel - Kauppa-kohtaMap to Moria - Flaming DeepsMap to the Lone-lands - Forsaken InnMap to the Lone-lands - AgamaurMap to Moria - Redhorn LodesMap to North Downs - MeluinenMap to North Downs - Amon RaithMap to Moria - Mezer-serejMap to Misty Mtns - Cirith ImladrisMap to Misty Mtns - HrimbargMap to Misty Mtns - Goblin-townMap to Moria - Rotting CellarMap to Bree-land - Hengstacer Farm


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