A Guardian's Journey: Logan Thackeray is a Jerk?
Looking at the Lore Behind GW2's Human Hero.
After their defeat and feeling the profound loss of Snaff’s death – which you can get a feel of in the Asura personal story – Destiny’s Edge broke apart.
Rytlock in particular was devastated by Logan’s apparent betrayal, not only for the loss of two friends, but for allowing himself to trust the human in the first place.
So there we are. As you begin your story in Guild Wars 2, Destiny’s Edge is shattered and Logan is not going to be receiving a group hug anytime soon. More likely Rytlock will be trying to use him as a sheath for his fiery sword Sohothin.
But is Logan truly to blame? Wasn’t it actually the Queen’s fault that he scarpered?
Either way, there is a lot of work to do to redeem Logan in Guild Wars 2. It’s the narrative journey that will have to be completed that fascinates me as it really will take some effort to restore Logan as a hero in many fans’ eyes.
I see three possible directions:
1) Destiny’s Edge reforms purely out of absolute necessity, Logan is tolerated and no more. Once victory has been assured, either the band recognizes what they have done and that persisting in fighting the good fight is more important than personal differences. With this in mind, they agree to come together when evil next rears it’s head – hello first expansion. Or Rytlock decides it’s time to settle things with his former ally. And that could get messy.
2) Logan performs a valiant act so jaw-dropping that the gang – and the fans – have no choice but to forgive his former perceived trespasses. One way to achieve that is in an act of ultimate sacrifice. Logan lays down his life to save his friends and Tyria.
3) It is proved beyond a doubt that it was Queen Jennah’s magical influence that left Logan without will when he deserted Destiny’s Edge. To do that would certainly cast the queen in the role of a villain. There’s no quicker way to look like an arch-enemy than to be someone who knowingly removes free will.
Of course there is a large number of possibilities that exist in where the story of GW2 will go – though we know it will reach a crescendo in Orr. I’m just looking forward to finally exploring them for myself.
One week to go.
Let us know below what you think of my addled musings on Logan Thackeray and where his story might lead.
And for anyone who dares to think that I’ve given Logan an easy ride due to my guardian leanings: you’re absolutely right.
Thanks for reading.
Scott "Jarimor" Hawkes, Editor In Chief