Whatever Happened To EVE: Incarna Stations?

I hope nobody forgot.

Even I, as a retired EVE Online player, remember how big of a deal the Incarna update was going to be, as even back in the first few years of the game I thought, man, wouldn't it be nice if your avatars actually did something? And then it...didn't happen. Incarna came out, it went, and no out-of-ship exploration or station-wandering was there. What happened?

According to PCGamesN, it was just put on the backburner while they made it feel fun. CCP's own Ned Coker explained,

As a platform it still works out really well for us, but based off player feedback we took a step back from our Incarna full development plans. We've had a team doing prototyping work on what Incarna gameplay might look like in the context of EVE's gameplay. They've done a couple of iterations on what that might be, with the 'EVE-ness' of it in mind. So you know, things like risk and reward, multiplayer action, stuff like that.

On the bright side, even though it's been put as a lower priority, they're planning big things, including Star Trek-like environmental exploration, including wrecked ships. Right now, though, it's just not feasable, so they're beefing the main game up before the sideshow gets brought out.

Julian "Mirai" Williams


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# Oct 09 2012 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
It would have been fine if they never put in any avatar stuff. EVE is about the ships. Any time spent on other stuff is time that should've been spent on internet ships.
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