Competition my friend is of course in everyone's mind. However, I think that by competing in a game where groups are preferred is a bad idea. Why compete? Can't everyone just play together and have fun? I mean really isnt that kind of the main general idea of the game, to try and MAKE friends, not brag to them about how much better you are than they are?
The people who come up to me asking what my stats are, that I can handle. But when someone comes up to me sayin' stuff like your a terrible tank you suck I'm way better than you you raised your stats all wrong blah blah blah I mean really those are the kind of people that end up losing more friends than they make! While competition is nice, its probably a better idea that you try to respect other people instead.
If your looking for something along the lines of PvP or the like, then go play EQPC, there are plenty of PvP servers on there that you can go and "compete" in. And please, don't ks thats just letting everyone know that you obviously don't have any respect and aren't looking for a friend or a group anytime soon. It also shows everyone your level of maturity (fairly low) to be ks'ing people. =)
Las Vegas Fan Faire
SOE is having a Fan Faire this year in Las Vegas , NV. This is chance to meet and greet the Devs of EQoA, EQ(PC) and other involved with the community. FOr more information, and for the registration pages, go to the link below.
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