GuildCast 55: To Raid or Not to Raid

The GuildCast crew ponder whether raids could work in Guild Wars 2


Welcome to the carbohydrate recovery edition of GuildCast.

Coming at the end of January, those poor unfortunate souls who have found themselves booted out of Fractals due to the cat pushing your power button — curse you Ziggy! — will actually be able to rejoin their party. It might seem insane that you can’t do that already.

An odd oversight or could there be other reasons for this late implementation?

Another change to come along to Fractals will be the new downranking style for party members. With the new patch you will be able to group with players who are lower level for FotM and though you won’t climb up the ladder you will still get Karma rewards. Surely this is a change that will be welcomed by all?

Though it has been a quiet week for Guild Wars 2 news due to the holidays, we ensured this week’s episode will still be suitably stuffed thanks to your suggestions on what you would like to see for your favorite game in 2013.

Is a dungeon finder a necessary evil? Or is it really evil at all? Are guild halls the answer for uniting guild members in a common goal? And are guilds really necessary, especially for PvE content in GW2? We talk about all the ramifications and pose the topic that makes message boards explode: would raiding be a good thing in Guild Wars 2?

Add some more of your astute questions and you have your festive fare sorted. Joining host Gary Gannon is Richie Bogotter Procopio and ZAM‘s Scott Hawkes for a highly organized and social edition of GuildCast!

Scott "Jarimor" Hawkes, Editor in Chief


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