EVE Online Double-Hit Blog Posts

Loooooooooots of info today.

EVE Online gets a two-hit of blog posts today. 

The first is from CCP Unifex, who has been describing a lot of things planned for EVE in 2013, and the kind of schedule you can look forward to. Namely, splitting up the updates and changes throughout the year, and trying to work around 'themed releases.' Staggering content is always a positive thing. But, more notably, they split up the responsibilities into multiple positions, which leads us to the second post.

CCP Seagull has started his new position of Senior Producer, which means that he came in today with a new post adding onto Unifex's. He explained who he is, what his plan is, and what's coming up in the next month with Retribution's tweaks, including war declarations and ship balances.

2013 looks to be a bright year for everyone's spacefaring MMO.

Julian "Mirai" Williams


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