Guild Wars 2 - WvW Ranking Reset Explained

Ferguson and Loew talk reasons for the reset.

So, this came as kind of a shocker, but there is a huge World vs World rank reset coming soon to Guild Wars 2. Essentially, as said by Hbib Loew, the free world transfers combined with the increased population stability with paid transfers has changed a lot of the rankings. It felt more fair, to reset it while also changing some of the ratings math behind the scenes. 

Mike Ferguson came in to add to the point a while later and explain further. There's a lot of details involved, but the main purpose is to help any and all players who are entering World vs World combat, especially when dealing with matches that end in blowouts that can take several more matches to dig yourself out of. In essence, the reset is to help prevent frustration and unfairness. I think I'm okay with that.

Julian "Mirai" Williams


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