Guild Wars 2: The Adventure Box gets more Super

The Super Adventure Box has only been out a couple days and is already a big hit.

It has only been a couple of days since ArenaNet launched the Super Adventure Box in Guild Wars 2, but already it has become a huge hit with threads and even online petitions requesting it stay in the world of Tyria. With all this excitement, ArenaNet has opened up from its “we'll talk about it when it is ready” stance to give a little insight into the SAB's future!

Josh Foreman is an environment artist at ArenaNet, but is probably best known as the Jumping Puzzle dev with his work on puzzles like the Halloween special Clocktower and Super Adventure Box. He has been active answering questions on the forum as well as taking part in a livestream yesterday showing off a little of the SAB.

Will we be seeing more of the Super Adventure Box? Yes, said Josh during the livestream. The small team behind the SAB has been rolled into the Living Story team and as such the box will become a cyclical release (meaning it will still be gone at the end of April but will come back in the future).

Those of you sad that your weapon of choice didn't get a Super skin rejoice, for the next release will fill out the set. “We are a very small team," Josh said on the forums. "The more skins we made, the less stuff we could make in the Box. So we settled for a minimal set, with plans to add to it with each new World we release.”

Adding World 2 and more weapon skins to the Super set isn't the only thing players will see in the next release. Some players may have noticed a grumpy cloud on top of the tree in the lobby. This was for a hard mode that was already in but AreanNet “had to pull it because it was tanking the [performance] on the server.” That kept hard mode out of initial release, but they are already working on new tech to accommodate it for the next release.

How far away is the next release? Well, not anytime soon. According to Josh over on the official GW2 forums, “Not this month. At an unspecified time. Certainly not in the next month.”

For those wanting something more for the here and now however, ArenaNet has posted the Super Adventure Box music set to their Soundcloud. The set features 18 songs including the GW2 main theme heard on the login screen on April 1st, all the 8-bit themed songs from the box, and the song used for that crazy commercial.

Matt "Mattsta" Adams


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