Guild Wars 2: Meet the Consortium

ArenaNet released another Living Story video, this time discussing the Consortium.

ArenaNet has released a new video covering the lore behind the Living Story in Guild Wars 2. In this video, Narrative Designer Scott McGough talks all about the Consortium. He says what players see is 90% of what is going on, like how the Consortium is trying to make Southsun a paradise and the refugees were locked into a contract to live and work on the island.

Scott McGough also makes an interesting point of how the top brass at the Consortium (the 10%) have never been to Southsun, thus only see the reports that the paradise isn't prospering and none of the dangers the island presents. Are the big wigs back at the Consortium HQ really spinning nefarious plots or are they just wholly misinformed to the dangers? Check out the video below and let us know what you think.

Matt "Mattsta" Adams


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