Rheingold Report: LCS Day 2

RheingoldRiver brings match reports and interviews from the LCS floor


Game 4: Dignitas v Team Solo Mid

KiWiKiD: Kha'zix

Crumbz: Zac

scarra: Diana

imaqtpie: Ezreal

Patoy: Janna


Dyrus: Yorick

TheOddOne: Elise

Reginald: Kennen

WildTurtle: Draven

Xpecial: Lulu

The game started out slowly, with no early jungle invades or towers pushed.  First blood was secured at about 5:30 in the 2v2 toplane off Crumbz's second gank there, and at 7 minutes KiWiKiD successfully 1v1'd Reginald in midlane, taking second blood also for Dignitas.  Though TSM took dragons, Dignitas took everything else.  By 20 minutes Dignitas had a 6 kill and 4k gold lead, and by 30 minutes they had expanded that to a 13 kill and 10k gold lead, with an inhibitor and baron also by that point.  After a couple more kills, TSM ended up surrendering, its nexus exploding at 30:30.


Game 5: Vulcun Techbargains v Velocity eSports

Sycho Sid: Rumble

Xmithie: Nasus

mancloud: Kha'zix

Zuna: Tristana

Bloodwater: Thresh


Cris: Kennen

Nk Inc: Jarvan IV

Vileroze: Kayle

maplestreet: Draven

Evaniskus: Nami

Vulcun rolled through the early game in terms of kills, but the gold remained even thanks to objectives in favor of Velocity.  This pattern continued at 22 minutes, when Vulcun won a teamfight in midlane but then attempted a baron that it couldn't complete, and Nk Inc came in with the rest of Velocity to steal it away.  A base race following the baron resulted in Velocity's mid and Vulcun's bot inhibitor both falling, but Vulcun got the better of the trade with a kill onto maplestreet and also a nexus turret.  After a rocky teamfight in toplane at 25 minutes, Vulcun came back to win a 4-0 fight, and they capitalized on their previous destruction to the Velocity base to win the game at 28 minutes.


Game 6: Team Coast v Counter Logic Gaming

Jintae: Orianna

NintendudeX: Elise

Shiphtur: Zed

DontMashMe: Caitlyn

Daydreamin: Blitzcrank


Nientonsoh: Renekton

bigfatlp: Jarvan IV

Link: Karthus

Doublelift: Ezreal

Chauster: Thresh

CLG started the game strong, with a first blood taken by Link's requiem.  Good baiting let it continue its lead in kills and start the first dragon at 9:30, but Daydreamin stole it away with a rocket grab over the wall since bigfatlp's smite was down, giving Team Coast the gold lead.  CLG took the first baron at 26 minutes, and Link secured a quadrakill in a 5-2 fight at 32 minutes.  It also snuck the next baron, using Chauster's lantern to help them all across the pit wall.  But Coast came back with a double kill for Jintae, and also won a fight 3-0 at 46 minutes, giving it the game's third baron.  The game's last fight was at 48 minutes at CLG's bot inhibitor turret.  Team Coast secured the turret, a 3-0 fight, and then the nexus, taking out CLG.


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