Monstrosity Page Unveiled!

 Ever had an urge to fight your enemies as a Mandragora? To go stomping across La Theine Plateau as a Cerberus, laying waste to all creatures you see? Then this is for you! Further details on the brand new battle system, Monstrosity, have finally been released, revealing several juicy tidbits about what's in store for adventurers. Adding attributes from other monsters, evolving into more powerful creatures, and even facing off against other adventurers as monsters are all in store!

Let us know what you think of these new Monstrosity announcements over on the ZAM forums!


Prepare to free your soul from its mortal trappings, as this new content will give Vana'dielian adventurers a perspective they've never before experienced...that of a fiend! Forge both a name and a new identity for yourself as you amass a bestiary full of secondary forms to inhabit.

The site itself ennumerates a plethora of information, including the latest tidbits to learn and future scheduled features.

Float on over now to possess all the monstrous details.


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