Results of the NPC Popularity Contest Announced!

With the polls closed and the votes tallied, the winning NPCs of Final Fantasy XI's NPC Popularity Contest have been announced! A number of these venerable characters, both old and new, were able to speak briefly about their feelings on their poll results, some with excitement over where they stand and others feeling dejected over having not placed higher.

How did your favorite NPC fare in the mix? Check the link below the break to find the list of the top thirty! While you're at it, feel free to share with us your opinion of the rankings over on the ZAM forums!




We know many of you have been waiting with bated breath for the announcement of which NPC was voted the most popular—and we are pleased to present you with a list of the top thirty vote getters!

How did your favorite NPC do? Will you be pleased, surprised, or perplexed at the results? Take a look and find out!


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