EverQuest Next Round Table Response: Fast Travel
Fast Travel - Love it or leave it?
Fast Travel in MMOs has always been a widely debated topic. When trying to create an entire living-breathing world that feels vast and unexplored, should players have the ability to simply open their map and click wherever they want to travel to? Or should you make them explore the vast jungles, mountains and other fantasy-like vistas that cover the landscape?
In the latest EverQuest Next Round Table we're joined by Senior Brand Manager Omeed Dariani and Lead Designer Darrin McPherson to talk about the pros and cons of "Fast Travel" and how EQ Next should approach it.
It sounds like EverQuest Next is planning on taking the "middle-ground" here and giving players access to Fast Travel with restrictions. You'll still need to explore the world in order to have access to certain travel locations. Once you've unlocked these locations you will then be able to travel to and from these points with relative ease. We've seen similar methods used in other MMOs and while this system definitely helps players connect with each other much easier, they did mention that the travel system would not be instantaneous. Hopefully this will help continue to make the world feel large and not like a series of loading screens as you jump from point to point.
What do you think about this approach to Fast Travel? Be sure to let me know in the comments below! For more EverQuest Next information visit the official website and keep your browser locked to ZAM for more EverQuest Next news updates.
See you in game!
Corey "Cyglaive" Jenkins
Follow Corey on Twitter @Cyglaive