US EverQuest II Servers will be brought offline on Tuesday, March 28th, 2017 at 7:00AM PT (3 PM UTC) for an update. Estimated downtime is less than 2 hours.
All EU servers will come offline at 9:00 PM PT (4 AM UTC March 29th) for this update. Downtime is anticipated to be approximately 2 hours.
Update notes for this downtime can be found in the Game Update Notes forum once they're available.
Kaesora: Xalgozian Stronghold [Solo, Heroic, Expert Heroic]
- Over-General Vihgoh should no longer path into the walls when idle and not being attacked.
- Monk and Bruiser TSO raid set 6-piece bonus (riposte chance) now stacks properly with their class focus effects.
- Warlock TSO raid set 2-piece bonus now grants some additional damage to Apocalypse.
- Several TSO tradeskill items that had a required level of 82 have been correctly set to level 80.
- Several items in Kurn's Tower have had their stats upgraded slightly to match items from Ward of Elements.
- Vanishing Act - Damaging "a visage of fear" too quickly will no longer prevent the quest from updating.
- Shanaira the Prestigious in Arcanna'se Spire: Order and Chaos [Raid] should now correctly update personal achievements.
- All bosses within Crypt of Dalnir: The Kly Stronghold [Expert-Raid] and Arcanna'se Spire: Order and Chaos [Expert-Raid] should now award flawless achievements.
- Corrected an issue that caused the guild achievement for defeating Setri Lureth to not update correctly.