Update Notes: Tuesday August 29, 2017
Isle of Refuge (Free Trade)
- Random events in the Obulus Frontier are now more common on a Free-Trade server.
- All waves of Kunark Ascending Ethereal Events are now active indefinitely.
- Players will earn double Ascension Experience on a Free Trade server.
- Weekend Treasure Rush has been enabled on Free Trade servers, where Kunark Ascending encounters will drop double loot. This event activates every Saturday and Sunday on a Free-Trade server. Treasure Rush bonuses do not stack with other double loot drop events.
Tower of Frozen Shadow
- If failed, bosses should now clear their co-op mechanic.
- Corrected an issue where the bosses in Tower of Frozen Shadow were applying the incorrect amount of health and outgoing damage.
Skyshrine [solo]
- Corrected an issue that caused the maximum lockout for Skyshrine solo zone to show as large numbers.
- Corrected an issue that allowed certain ascension abilities to apply control effects to creatures/bosses that should be immune.
Mjolni's Lair
- The lockout on Mjolni's Lair has been increased to 3 days.
- Fallen Gate Server: Added a brawler tank breastplate to the Djinn Master's loot table.
- Grim Aura now triggers off of hostile abilities.
- Prestigious Powerful Wand no longer requires ammo.
- Weapons from the Crypt of T'Haen raid zone now have standardized delays.
- New ascension focus adornments are available from Yun Zi upon completing week 5 of his quests.
- Wrist and ear slot items from Yun Zi now have orange adornment slots.
- Earring of Ascension, Expert's Rak'Ashiir's Spectral Earring, Expert's Rak'Ashiir's Spectral Wristlet and Expert's Rak'Ashiir's Charm Bracelet now have orange adornment slots.
- Enervated Vel'Arek once again has the ability to summon the Manifestation of Vel'Arek.
- Corrected an issue that was preventing Chechin, of the Dark from triggering Unbreakable Stealth.
- A Bone to Grind - Defeating the Bonegrinder and speaking with Edgrim Bofstrem updates the quest now in either Befallen: Cavern of the Afflicted [Agnostic] or Befallen: Cavern of the Afflicted.
Tags: EverQuestII, News