Days of Summer – Week Six

Another week of summer means another quest from the merchant Yun Zi! Travel through Velious for the tradesbear, and he'll repay you with another handsome batch of rewards. This week's rewards include an earring, bracers, the Foundation of Tol'Ren, an Acension Focus Rune: Wisdom of the Kly and the Days of Summer Decoration Pack #6. On top of all that, Yun Zi will also increase of your Divine Potecy to level 40.

Remember, you'll have to finish all of Yun Zi's quests from the previous weeks before you can complete his newest quest!


Yun Zi will have require assistance again next week on Tuesday, September 12th at 12:01AM PT. Quests will continue to unlock each Tuesday up until the Days of Summer event ends on Monday, October 2nd at 11:59PM PT.


You'd better head out there, adventurer - new awards await!


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