September 2017 Producer’s Letter
As posted by Mooncast on the forums, here is your producer's letter:
Greetings Citizens of Norrath!
When the air grows crisp and the leaves turn golden, it’s time for expansion season! (And… pumpkin pie!)
We’re thrilled to share our expansion announcement for our 14th expansion, EverQuest II: Planes of Prophecy (That’s right, PoP)! This year we’ll embark on exciting adventures to the planes… and more! You’ll explore the perils and mysteries of the Plane of Magic, the Plane of Innovation, Solusek Ro's Tower, and the Plane of Disease, just to name a few. Are you ready? The planes await!
As you cross to the planes, you’ll encounter many obstacles, not the least of which is the mechanical sentinel in the Plane of Innovation, the Manaetic Behemoth!There is much more to tell, but you’ll need to check back in October for more on expansion details, features, and information about pre-orders and beta. PoP is slated for launch this November! Until then, we hope you enjoy a series of in-game events leading up PoP to help you prepare for what lay ahead:
Don’t forget there are still 2 weeks left to go in our Days of Summer event! Be sure to go help out our bumbling tradesbear before he closes up shop! The final wave of summer Ethereals are live now too and will have drop rates tripled from September 29th to October 8th! We went ahead and added a couple of days onto Ethereals for extra fun!
- Starting today, EverQuest II: Kunark Ascending will be on sale at 50% off through Monday, October 9th, 2017 at 11:59PM PDT. NOTE: Collector’s and Premium editions of EverQuest II: Kunark Ascending come with bonus items that won’t be included with expansion purchases after PoP pre-orders begin in October.
- If you want to get a jump start and be ready for PoP, check out the prelude storyline to our expansion which is live NOW! Characters that complete it will earn a consumable bauble that will advance one of their Ascension classes from level 10 to level 11! Woot!
- Gear Up, Level Up is back too! Starting Monday, October 2nd we’ll bring you bonuses each week up to the PoP expansion launch, including boosts to Ascension experience, loot, currency, status and more! Look for new bonuses each Monday.
Lastly, to help get ready for PoP we will be doing a Name Purge on October 17th, 2017. If a character hasn’t logged in to the game within the last 5 years it will have a letter appended to the end of its name. Any characters that had their name changed will be able to change their name one time using the slash command ‘/rename’. We hope this helps clear up some unused names! If you have an old character and want to keep the name then all you have to do is log that character in by October 16th, 2017!
As always, we’d like to thank all of you, our players, because you let us craft magical experiences for you! You’ll be hearing from us soon!