Special Rules for Ballista

The next Ballista event will feature additional special rules in addition to the "best two of three" system currently in place. Be sure not to miss your chance to take advantage of these special rules! Special Rules ------------------ (1) The number of Petras that can be scored at once will be set to five. Additionally, a time limit will be imposed on Gate Breach status. (2) The potency of Sleep will be decreased. (3) The effective radius of Gate Breach status will be increased to 30 yalms on party members. (4) Damage and accuracy values between characters of different levels will be changed. As of this event, your damage and attack will increase when you attack a player who is a higher level than yourself. (5) The maximum number of participants for one team has been increased from 36 to 72. (6) Those adventurers not participating in Ballista will NOT be displayed. You can confirm these rules by talking to a Pursuivant. Be sure to confirm the entry period as well as allegiance and level restrictions before entering. ------------------------------------------------------------


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not new
# Sep 01 2004 at 6:35 AM Rating: Decent
These ar e the same rules they have beenusing since they set up the new schedule format. If you bothered to ever review the rules with the Pursuvant (sp?)you would realize this. Haven't you ever noticed that you cant see certian people even tho they show up as blue dots on the compass?? I'm not sure why this message decided to show up now, but its been on theh info section of the pol viewer for months.
# Aug 31 2004 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
Bring some poison potions and some bow and sleep arrow if your melee. There you go you can now do most things mages can. Status effect arrows and so.
not enough
# Aug 31 2004 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
these minor tweaks are still no where near really fixing this game.

sleep need to be gone, potent or not it needs to not exist in the game at all. There is no reason why you should spend now that it's "improved" 25%-50% of the time asleep. This is much better than the former 50%-80%.

Melee are still worthless with this fixes. If you are gonna die, you run away. Melee get's tired of chacing, or they get nuked by someone else while running by.

If they made running away nearly impossible, like it is from mobs you fight, then maybe it would be fair, and fun.
RE: not enough
# Aug 31 2004 at 10:10 AM Rating: Excellent
OK well as a veteran to PvP styles of combat (Dark Ages of Camelot, Diablo 2:LOD, Ultima Online) I can say this, debuffs and status effects are part of the game. Deal. By saying that sleep needs to go away is the same as saying take away Damage Over Time spells like Dia. Status effects are part of the game...if you don't like being put to sleep, or stunned, or Dot'd, find items that raise your resists vs those spells. it is too easy. and if you are a melee-er, well we are always gonna get owned trying to fight casters, my advice is to store up tp or use 2hr abilities to crunch casters. Or better yet find some type of ranged weapon that you can throw at them with low delay. Otherwise just buck up. If you don't like playing a melee in Ballista, go level a mage. Besides, this isn't something you HAVE to do, it's optional...so if you don't like the set up, just wait until it is set up the way you like it, until then...QUIT WHINING.
RE: not enough
# Sep 01 2004 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
/claps. Rate up, I totally agree with you.
Just like people in Diablo 2 didn't like the Guided Arror with the Amazon in PVP, but you can get around it, just gotta know how.
Play the system, not whine about it. I've seen ways of getting around sleep, not sure about the resistances for stun or DOTs on some. But for other things, get alchemy up and make potions perhaps, or get a friend to make them for you for at-cost.
# Aug 31 2004 at 4:41 AM Rating: Decent
743 posts
I've been wondering this for awhile and this seemed like a good place to ask. Is there any reward for winning a Ballista match?

Or is it strictly for fun? I must admit, 1,000 gil is quite cheap to be able to beat the snot out of a Taru. ^_^
# Aug 31 2004 at 3:47 AM Rating: Decent
The only new this I see is how there are 3 matches.
# Aug 30 2004 at 10:57 PM Rating: Default
I've been using these same rules sice I can remember. The only one i have not know about is #4. Poor DRK had no chance ;_; hehe. GO MONKS!!!!!!!
# Aug 30 2004 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
117 posts
; ; All the sandy matches(lvl 40) are late. 12:30 AM is the next one and one like an hour later. The next month the first one in 2 AM then later at like at 5 AM or so. This sucks because i really want to play ballista :(

Edited, Mon Aug 30 22:10:25 2004
# Aug 30 2004 at 1:45 PM Rating: Default
Isn't this old news?
RE: Old
# Aug 30 2004 at 3:06 PM Rating: Good
1,674 posts

Try looking on the main FFXI page sometime. It does help with knowing if something is old news or new news.
RE: Old
# Aug 30 2004 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
3,473 posts
If it is, SE just now decided to send me an email about it.
RE: Old
# Aug 30 2004 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
yes i am sry but SE is holding back from you this looks like the same rules i have been playing ballista with for umm around a few months
here is a link to me killing a drk one on one, thought i would just post it here just for fun ^^
ok here are my links to videos of me in ballista, alittle warning the music isn't PG13 so turn down the volume if you are offended by it.
FIGHT 1 (please right click and save as)


FIGHT 2 (please right click and save as)


Ballista lv. 50 cap jugner forest (please right click and save as)


Edited, Tue Aug 31 11:56:40 2004
RE: Old
# Aug 31 2004 at 7:17 AM Rating: Excellent
3,473 posts
Yea i looked at the message, everything is dated August 30th.
RE: Old
# Aug 30 2004 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
Um, not sure how you've been playing with these rules for the past few months, considering they *are* new (check out the link posted below, it's dated August 30)
# Aug 30 2004 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
No it means when you are playing ballista, non-participants cannot be seen by players.

So in simpler terms when you are playing all you can see are the other players. No one else.
Number 6
# Aug 30 2004 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
Hmm... Does number 6 apply to /searching the area? If so, I don't like the rule.
# Aug 30 2004 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
I really need to get Kwui's Ballista license. :->
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