PlayOnline Viewer Update (Sep. 15)

At the following time, we performed a PlayOnline Viewer version update. *The client update will start automatically after connecting to PlayOnline. Please follow the instructions that appear on your screen. [Date & Time] Sep. 15, 2004 6:30 (PDT) [Affected Services] PlayOnline Windows Version [Important Update Details] - An issue where certain pages were not displaying properly under certain circumstances is fixed.


Post Comment
# Sep 16 2004 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
i got a problem. when i try to log in ands do the version update it says version update communication error under it it says error code: POL-0019. Can anyone help me out with this problem?
How about now?
# Sep 16 2004 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
158 posts
/em checks watch... taps foot impatiently.

So... umm... can I check my AH and delivery box online somehow? :P That'd be greeaaat, yeah...


It's up now... =)
# Sep 16 2004 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
So when should this be done..?
On the bright side
# Sep 16 2004 at 3:15 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Well, at least it's at night. I can go to bed early and not be tired tomorrow, hehe.
RE: On the bright side
# Sep 16 2004 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone Else notice that the system Crashed at 10pm Pacific time instead of 10am... and was back up at 6am... hmmm exact time maintenance happens only it was pm/am instead.... GOOD JOB Square-Enix do Maintenance during Japanese time we're proud of you!

Thank god that they get a taste of what we've been experiencing the last 3 weeks... I'm on Bismarck server so i haven't got to play on a Monday since August now. Oi Boy.....

RE: On the bright side
# Sep 16 2004 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
The reason it was down was because they had a massive malfunction with their network devices. This was not a scheduled update. Though I recall that just a week ago the servers were down for 8 hours to install new netwrok hardware. Hmmm, they won't be shopping from that place again. lol
# Sep 16 2004 at 1:05 AM Rating: Decent
OK I dont normally post to ***** ..but common what the heck just happen i get off work and try to play .... .. . . and nothin. So I go check status at playonline.. it sais partially down. Ok i know the european just got the game maybe they really just overloaded for a sec. I play Counter strike for 3 hours now..and go check status now its under can anyone tell me what happened. did they over load the system or was this anyother bad programing glitche that Squenix had to shut us down to fix?
# Sep 16 2004 at 12:54 AM Rating: Decent
107 posts
Seeing as I sometimes play for up to 9 hours at a time, I think I fall into that "addicts" category willfoss mentioned... That being said, I could not agree more that an extended server maintenance might be in order. There has been way too many problems and too much downtime as of late. To top it all off, I had to disconnect tonight RIGHT after finally getting all my LV 50 cap items! (Thanks Rylian for helping me get my paper and bomb coal BTW).

Of course as frustrating as all this is, it's nowhere near as bad as all the technical problems I used to encounter when I played Phantasy Star Online...
um er
# Sep 16 2004 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone else having truble geting on FFXI web site?
welcome Euro players ...

Edited, Thu Sep 16 01:59:49 2004
RE: um er
# Sep 16 2004 at 12:59 AM Rating: Decent
350 posts
FFXI website finally loaded after 2 minutes of spinning it's wheels..well, ok, so most of the site loaded, 'cept for the whole left and top sections >.<
RE: um er
# Sep 16 2004 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
We at least its not just me ....
# Sep 16 2004 at 12:44 AM Rating: Excellent
350 posts
While it was amusing to watch /sea all results drop by the hundreds every minute for a half hour before the system message came up tonight, major issues like this emergency 'all worlds' repair are starting to get old. I totally understand downtime for updates and rollout to the Euro market (WELCOME btw! ^^ ) but the repair time is really starting to add up. Here's the point where I would compare uptime to my real life IT job, but that doesn't really add anything positive to the topic. I'm just getting tired of being interrupted whenever I try to achieve something in-game. As much as the addicts will hate me for saying it, I think SE needs to consider an extended downtime period to completely fix whatever's broken, be it hardware or glitches in new software development..this on-again, off-again stuff isn't the way to go.
RE: Servers
# Sep 16 2004 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
RE: Servers
# Sep 16 2004 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
*sigh* this expansion better be worth this. =(

i was in such an awesome party and we had at least 2 hours left.
More updated boo boo's
# Sep 16 2004 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
great timing on this boo boo ... i will be seeing my dead body in La Theine Plateau ... /cry ... atleast its only 360 ex and not 3000 .... hope thay fix it soon
RE: More updated boo boo's
# Sep 16 2004 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
90 posts
my dead body will be in the adjacent Jugnar forest with a large Forest Tiger trampling don't feel you are alone in ur frustration :-)
# Sep 16 2004 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
Man the past week with FFXI has been a mess. Now they're experiencing technical difficulties. Figures the one night I can stay up past my normal bed time and play...
Hopefully this will all be taken care of!
RE: Issues
# Sep 16 2004 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
It figures that with europa and COP coming out, they just have to go through a period of unreliability
# Sep 15 2004 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
457 posts
I think this proves some theories...

no matter what time you do an update, people will complain.

This update was done at 6:30 pacific. thats 9:30 eastern time. at 6:30, people should be getting ready for work, or school, or still sleeping from being online all night.

at 9:30, people should be at work, or school, or still sleeping from playing all night.

We complain that they do maintenance from 10:00-16:00. and we complain when they do maintenence at 6:30. 6:30 isnt prime time, and its during a time when most of us NA players should be busy doing something else.

so please, pick a time to complain about. personally, I would prefer a maintenence in the AM, as opposed to the PM. I tend to play more in the PM, and very early AM.
lolgaxe wrote:
Thinking outside the box is fine, but the owner's manual is on the inside.
Europe players
# Sep 15 2004 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
They're doing this for the European players, I'm not even gonna try logging on until the weekend. They usually don't update on Saturdays, they update when the least people are on.

And when the Europeans get the game, I'm definately turning Mentor off. I don't how the Japanese delt with us idiots who don't know how to heal and just fight until we die.
Please Note:
# Sep 15 2004 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
915 posts
I just want to make sure everyone realizes that there is no maintenance or downtime for this update. You log on to PlayOnline, download the update, PlayOnline restarts, and you continue on your merry way. Enjoy!
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 15 2004 at 7:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) actually, I'll whine all day if it makes me happy =) and there is nothing you can do about it, well except get pissed and post stuff to make yourself feel better muahahahaha ;]
# Sep 15 2004 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
113 posts
Yeah, come on guys, they make mistakes, they are, after all, only human. They miss something in testing and it's usally fixed the next day, that's very good customer support right there. Besides, I'd rather come on here and complain about maintance then come on here and complain about the game crashing every time you zone or something.
sep 15 update
# Sep 15 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
How long is this update ???? I just bought new copy ffxi and im trying to wait till they get done to start new game ..... RDM lvl.15 Phonix
RE: sep 15 update
# Sep 15 2004 at 6:24 PM Rating: Default
60 posts
Um, its already done. There's no downtime, its just a client patch you'll download next time you login to POL. Took me maybe 3 minutes to download.
RE: sep 15 update
# Sep 15 2004 at 3:50 PM Rating: Default
Stop all the whining and go find something else to do for a few hours or however long it takes for the updates. sheesh. They've already announced that they will be updating things until Promathia comes out. These are the server tweaks and things that will help minimize lag with the new game. PLus following the game expect at least 1-2 weeks of bug fixes, tweaks, and minor patches to fix things that the programmers weren't expecting. This is part of ANY and I mean ANY, MMORPG that is available right now. Actually be thankful that the patcher in FFXI is actually fairly quick. Try playing EQ or Dark Ages and compare it to their patcher. Sometimes it takes 2-3 days just to log into the patcher.
sep 15 update
# Sep 15 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Wed Sep 15 15:56:10 2004
# Sep 15 2004 at 2:37 PM Rating: Default
they'll stop updating when they're done. LOL jeeze.

mudfly is right. Major updates come into play with new releases to new markets or expansions, or major world events.

Get used to it and get over it. That's just life in an ever-changing online world.
this is all nessisary
# Sep 15 2004 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
You do all realize, that this is all part of the expansion and European release, don't you? This is not standard maintenence, it is what needs to be done for the flood of new players.

Edited, Wed Sep 15 15:23:06 2004
RE: this is all nessisary
# Sep 15 2004 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
Apparently they don't. :) Even though I do recall reading in the patch notes that a lot of this is in preparation for the expansion going live in a few days. We must be the only ones who read that.
RE: New Menu
# Sep 15 2004 at 1:14 PM Rating: Default
Moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooore updates....omg when will they stop??? and enough with this week long maintenence, just do 1 day a month and get everything done then or something! ^_^
RE: New Menu
# Sep 15 2004 at 1:42 PM Rating: Default
215 posts
So... you'd rather them have bugs in the software rather then fix them? If they knew all these problems would happen I'm sure they sould do it in one day... you think they want to take everything offline?
RE: New Menu
# Sep 15 2004 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
Xtek wrote:
you think they want to take everything offline?
Didn't they do just that?
RE: New Menu
# Sep 15 2004 at 5:27 PM Rating: Default
yes, they did, but they didn't WANT to he wasn't saying that they may have to, what he is saying is that they don't like having to take everything down, but they have to or whiners would complain about bugs all the time rather than downtime.
RE: New Menu
# Sep 15 2004 at 2:08 PM Rating: Default
Actually, I don't like the updates anymore than others do even though I realize they are neccessary. I do have one question. Why would they care if they took everything offline? (didn't happen for the POL update today..but still) Don't we have to pay the same monthly fee nomatter how much downtime there is?
RE: New Menu
# Sep 15 2004 at 5:32 PM Rating: Default
No, we still pay but when it's down it takes more work on their part then when it is up, besides, the more downtime there is the fewer people want to play and the fewer new people play, downtime lowers something called "customer satisfation"
# Sep 15 2004 at 12:03 PM Rating: Default
happened to me last night when i was trying to get on. So after i got on and played a little i logged off and reseted my computer. startd POL back up took 2 minutes to come up, a little bit better than 10 min lol
New Menu
# Sep 15 2004 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
does anyone else have a problem with the menu loading, it takes like 2 or 3 minutes to load when i sign on. It's a pretty annoying wait.
RE: New Menu
# Sep 15 2004 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
yeah some of us are having the problem. SqEnix has posted about this in the information section.

edit - and once again, I get rated down.. for? correctly and accurately answering a question. Ah! I see a pattern here. This means what? I shouldn't post helpful accurate information? ***** you.

Edited, Thu Nov 4 16:16:56 2004
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