GM Petition Server Maintenance (Jan. 21)

At the following time, we will be performing brief maintenance on the GM petitioning service. Any calls which will not have been completed by Jan. 21, 2005 at 3:00 (PST) will be cleared. If you still need assistance, we ask that you make another petition after 3:30 (PST). [Date & Time] Jan. 21, 2005 from 3:00 to 3:30 (PST) [Details] -GM support unavailable in PlayOnline and FINAL FANTASY XI. [Affected Services] PlayOnline and FINAL FANTASY XI


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Gms <3
# Jan 23 2005 at 12:08 AM Rating: Good
Yup, they do pretty much nothing. There's 8 people fishing in same spot every day and every week. It's been 5 months since I first saw them and called a GM. They said "I will look into it." And today, same bots still fishing in exact same location. When i reported them again in a few months, the call was completely ignored. Just some popup that told me not to report same people again or something.. o_O

Edited, Sun Jan 23 00:10:40 2005
GM vs Gil-Seller
# Jan 21 2005 at 11:04 PM Rating: Excellent
442 posts
Alright, I'm gonna get major down-rating for this cuz people don't like the truth, but here it is.

GM's, sure. They do nothing but look cool and make noobs feel somewhat safe, whether they know what from, or not. Since it is against the rules, they SHOULD ban gil-sellers, and definitely bots.

Bots, I think should be banned. Definitely. Botting is hard-core cheating the game. As for gil-sellers, why? What, really, is the problem with gil-sellers? Why is it against the rules? If someone has a full-time job, or doesn't have time to play FFXI much, what's the big deal if they buy some gil, so they can do something other than farming when they get a chance to play?

People complain that gil-sellers mess up the economy. All of the best equipment items are outrageously priced. Well you know what? If you could get all the best gear for 5 gil, every person of the same job would be equipped the exact same and it would be boring. To be the best, you should have to work hard. Did you ever realize that a mansion costs a fair amount more than a little house irl? Damn rich people, messing up our economy, huh?

People complain that gil-sellers are all over the good NM's and it's impossible to beat them. Well you know what? You suck. That's why you can't beat them. I've beaten Kujata's top gil-sellers to Emp and to Lizzy several times. Those are the NM's I'm making money off now, and it's easy, and good money. All of you WHM's and DRK's and PLD's that are camping NM's, you're stupid. Level THF if you want to go after NM's. You need 2 things: Flee and Wide Scan. And you need to be fast with wide scan. And you can beat them. Sure, wide scan isn't required for some NM's. For some, you just hafta spam voke macros and hope it pops near you. Well gil-sellers can't do anything but hope either.

Point is that FFXI is a masively multi-player online role-playing game (MMORPG). There are a lot of players playing simultaneously, and you're gonna have competition for any good form of money-making. If you don't like it, go play some other FF game. No competition. You can make money easy. Have fun. Stop blaming gil-sellers because you're not good enough to get <item>.
GM Intell
# Jan 21 2005 at 8:50 AM Rating: Good
Welcome note.

Hello <Name>, I'm Game Master <Name>. How may I help you today?

Middle Notes.

I'm sorry to hear that!
I'll look into it.

Ending Note.

Good luck on your adventures <Name>!

Here a GM call I had.

GM: Welcome message.
Me: Yes, <name> is a gil farmer check my history he offered me gil for 20$.
GM: I'm sorry to hear that!
Me: Umm.. Yeah his website is
GM: I'll look into it.
Me: Can't you like delete him? He offered me gil
GM: Put him on your black list
Me: I'd rather see him deleted.
GM: I'm sorry to hear that!
Me: Well, do you need more information to delete him?
GM: I'll look into it.
Me: I'm starting to think your a bot yourself.
GM: We don't hire bots.
Me: Can you go talk to him? He has a character for each server with max fishing skill.
GM: I will teleport him to jail and speak with him.
Me: All right.
GM: Is there anything else I can help you with?
Me: Nope.
GM: End message.

So you see they got macro's to enter that info.
RE: GM Intell
# Jan 21 2005 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
Granted we all know who are the gill sellers per server, but if someone trolls and randomly b.s's other players saying they sell gill doesn't mean delete the char on the spot. Everygame has its pros and cons, just deal with it. Remeber - gill sellers can't do bcnms [most wear noob gear ]; so get some skills and friends and go get gill another way. Sure I'd love to get ahold of the archer ring nm or Deggi for the kotes, but even with gill sellers we compete with others. Take up crafts, bcnms, or 2-3 people and group farm harder mobs [ stop whining about deleting chars and move on :-/ ]

Edited, Fri Jan 21 10:08:58 2005
# Jan 21 2005 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
I consistantly call GM's. They are really nice, but I have to admit, they don't do anything. They are seemingly only in the game to look REALLY cool. I called a GM on Zhongliong for spamming me. YES I GOT A CHINESE GIL SELLER TO SPAM ME! twice :D I cast warp II once in Jeuno on him, and once while he was in Davoi, most gilsellers disband when they see me casting, but he's a blubbering idiot. Anyways, the GMs still have yet to do something!
RE: >.<
# Jan 21 2005 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
Death to all GM's
# Jan 21 2005 at 1:04 AM Rating: Good
All they tell you is "Thank you for the info we will look into it. im a stupid gm im dumb dumb dumb!"
GMs dont do ********* if someone is bothering you they tell you to put them on your black list. i wanna see some dot hack moves. like the gm comes flying out from the sky and slices the person then tells them they have 2 months banning! hell yeah!
# Jan 20 2005 at 4:02 PM Rating: Good
Maybe they updated the GM's intelligence and insight with this update........
Really Big deal.
# Jan 20 2005 at 3:12 PM Rating: Good
Page a GM to tell them someone is running a fishing bot after talking to the bot for 60 minutes with no reply, casting cure and protect on them, and doing cartwheels around their mobs. Still no reply, and a GM will ask you how you know it's a bot.

Gil sellers camp a HNM, and if you go after it they will try to chain 51.2 mobs that aggro on you; call a GM and 6 months later the gil sellers are still camping that NM 24/7.

Bards can sing swear words in shouts all afternoon in Lower Jeuno and maybe a GM will show up and get rid of them 6 hours after they are already on your blist.

See, they are useful for something.

Edited, Thu Jan 20 16:31:58 2005
RE: Really Big deal.
# Jan 21 2005 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
man i agree. ive called GMs about alot of bots in the system all they say is "Ill looking into it."

man i guess the only thing to do is get a bot are selfs
# Jan 20 2005 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
Oh come on as if that would make a difference...
I had to call GM because some chick was trying to MPK me and all the almighty GM did was tell me that they would *investigate the player*...
Ya right... =/
# Jan 20 2005 at 1:32 PM Rating: Default
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