SOE EQ2 Auction Site Opens

I received a phone call from SOE tonight to give me some pretty amazing -- and unsettling -- news. SOE’s Station Exchange is now live. Station Exchange you ask? Oh no, is that what I think it is? Yes, Sony is now going to start allowing players to officially auction items and cash for real live money. Initially, it will be limited to two new servers they are creating for Everquest 2, with existing players being given the right to transfer to those servers where they can buy and sell with officially sanctioned impunity. However, this is just the experimental stage. It is clear from the FAQ that if this proves to be financially successful, there is no reason not to think that this experiment will eventually be expanded to all of EQ2 as well as SOE’s other games, which include Everquest, Star Wars Galaxies and even possibly, given their large ownership share of Square-Enix, Final Fantasy XI. IGE, meet SOE. Is this the end of online gaming as we know it? Or is it just a natural and inevitable development? I know I personally feel a need for a strong adult beverage right about now. Feel free to post your feedback and opinions. Update. After I posted this, SOE posted a letter from John Smedley about it on their site. Here's the letter.
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Who cares
# Apr 20 2005 at 7:40 AM Rating: Excellent
17 posts
Eh, who cares. As long as SOE doesn't create items or PP it won't effect the average player unless their only PP income is coin loot or npc vendor trash. Items will sell for more PP to players who buy PP, but you'll sell the items you get for more PP too.

As for levels and flags? (I realize it is moot) Again who cares? It takes me about 1 week played time to PL a character to 65. What do you care whether I spend a few weeks PLing that character versus shelling out $500-1000? You should be happy, you wouldn't have to deal with me PLing in a zone you may want to be hunting in too (I had fun playing characters up the first three times, now if I want to try a different class I don't want to spend months getting to high level, so I PL instead of group). How would it hurt you to see me in PoF xping, if I bought the flag? I work nights (start at 8pm), that is when most flagging raids take place, I can't earn the flag. Does that mean I don't deserve it? I have more than a hundred days played on my main, I've MTd NTOV and teir 1 Gods, I am a good player. But I can't play in some zones that I COULD handle in a group because SOE decided to make long spawn timers on flagging mobs and servers decided that they would do flags during week so they could get loot on weekends?

You pay to play the game, what do you care if others pay more to have to play less? Stupid people will still be stupid. Good players will still be good players. You still get to decide who you group/raid (if you are in a guild of like minded people anyway) with.
RE: Who cares
# Apr 20 2005 at 10:06 AM Rating: Default
Great post
# Apr 20 2005 at 6:47 AM Rating: Decent
When it comes to these kind of decisions I always try my best to stay opmtimistic. Many things could cause this thing to not have such a big impact on the online gaming world. If people playing EQ2 complain to SOE about declining game economy SOE might (hopefully) listen. Also there's always that chance that not enough people buy it and therefore they don't use it.
A Bad Idea
# Apr 20 2005 at 6:24 AM Rating: Default
308 posts
Personally, I think this is a bad idea. Firstly, it's sending a message to the players that Sony is losing so much money on these out-of-game deals that they want to bring it in-house. I understand the motivation for trying to squash online sales, but bringing it under a Sony banner is not the way. If, after six long years of saying nay to the buying and selling of in-game items, Sony suddenly changes it's mind, what else will it suddenly decide to renig on?

Also, I don't see how this will stop places that do sell accounts and items online. People that want to buy plat, items, or accounts will still do it the way they have been no matter what server they are on. All this will serve to do is give gilsellers even more of a foothold, as now they can point and say 'See? Sony does it so why can't we?'

Lastly, buying your way to the top is unrewarding, no matter what anyone claims. Playing for 5+ years as I have has given me an almost intutive knowledge of what both my class and other classes can and cannot do. Buying a level 50+ anything, outside of maybe a warrior, is a sure fire way to get your first dozen or so groups killed. Can you see someone who has never played before, or who always played an int caster, suddenly with a 55 Cleric? I think this is the reason we're seeing so many people that are super-high level with crazy gear, but when you ask them something simple like 'Use Eye of Zomm to check the next room' they have no idea what you're talking. There's a certain skill level and dedication to the game that you just cannot 'buy', it comes only with time invested.
RE: A Bad Idea
# Apr 20 2005 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
Can you see someone who has never played before, or who always played an int caster, suddenly with a 55 Cleric?

Sadly, this is almost the case now. SoE has dumbed down the game such that a player with virtually no skill can reach the 50+, and even 60+ levels. Since I refuse to play in random groups at all anymore, I don't see lvl 55 noobs running around as much of a change for me.

Consider that I was killed the other day and popped at the EF wayfarer camp. While waiting for the rez I went anon, picked up a rusty sword and stuck it in my off hand and went around telling the dozen or so people near Halas that my character was left handed... A few of them actually camped out to try to make a left handed character. This is the state of the game now that it's easy to reach lvl 50 within a single week of play by grouping inside Hot Zones.

Anyway, this exchange is likely only the first step to there being a menu of items you can pay SoE for and have appear in your bank...
# Apr 20 2005 at 6:22 AM Rating: Default
the inevitable has finally come.
i hate to say it but i was waiting for SOE to see the light, and now that they have, i m wondering how many other online games will follow suit.
i cant say for sure this is a possitive or negative outcome for the games, but it wont be the same playing when all you have is toons fighting for gear and equip in game just to sell it to some fool with money . while those of us just want to enjoy the game for its simple pleasures.
if this does become a part of EQ i can surely say that my days playing will be numbered !

Your AreAllSluts!
# Apr 20 2005 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
I love how surprised people are that a company like SoE actually is concerned with the best way to make money:p what did you think was going to happen when people found a great way to help people cheat and make themselves money along the way... if you hate a gilbuyer or a gilseller, you hate anyone thats ever used the konami code or used the whistles to beat super mario bros. 3 or the freaking people and companies that helped you get those codes in the first place! If this does get into FF11 I just hope they make it like a dollar for a peacock charm or somthing:p but why should they.. why not make the money that everyone else has illegally been making LEGALLY! this is just a smart move for a company thats in it for the money!(would you pass up an opportunity like this?) I have never bought an item because I know I am playing a GAME and want to enjoy the game it was meant to be played but for those people who can't earn their items the AH prices are the world in which they live in:/ and unfortunatly this will affect them because either the only way to get items soon will be to pay real money for them, hunt the monsters that hold it(If the gilsellers who should be gotten rid of aren't camping like crazy to make the money that SE is trying to make) or lvl a synth... but I don't care that much and there are ALWAYS ways to make the money needed to get whatever item you need, its the people who don't want to EARN whatever they need that create a market for gilsellers. So the point is, just think of this idea as a sort of gameshark for mmorpg's, unfortunatlly it looks to be the end of the honest gamer:( just don't pretend you would never consider being a gilseller or gilbuyer if you we'ren't so engrossed in this once great game;;)

RE: YouAreAllSluts!
# Apr 20 2005 at 5:28 AM Rating: Default
I think it's good.
# Apr 20 2005 at 3:26 AM Rating: Decent
135 posts
Well, I actually think that's quite a nice idea, without any sarcasm. Those who think that they HAVE to buy items or money at all costs can do so now, on their own server, in their own economy, without going on the nerves of the "real" players. Plus, all who are tempted to buy something with real life money will be going to those servers (mostly), so IGE and consorts will be getting really low sales, or at least will have to adjust prices accordingly, lowering their income.

I'm totally welcoming this.
#REDACTED, Posted: Apr 20 2005 at 6:12 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Well, I was considering if I should extend my subscription in the middle of July.
RE: I think it's good.
# Apr 20 2005 at 10:09 AM Rating: Default
good. see ya round. or not, I guess
RE: I think it's good.
# Apr 20 2005 at 4:40 AM Rating: Good
2,027 posts
very true and I agree...I just have a specific bad feeling about this...

There are some people who truly want to play at all cost, and don't have time, so they resort to gil buying and whatever...

But from my experience, the vast majority of players who do RMT just want to "look cool" and have people in awe before them, and while they'll use the "I have a life, i'm not a lil kid!" argument, its usualy more like "I want people to worship me and I don't have time to earn it..."

On a RMT enabled server, -everyone- can do those people who do RMT won't have any advantage over "Legit" players... aka: buying money (whatever the EQ money is called...platinum?) will only make you match everyone else, rather than surpass them... Many people have insane ammount of money to drop in there will still be a class of "elite" players, and a bunch of people (probably mostly younger players without a job, or young adults who do have a job but aren't by any mean rich, with all the new responsabilities and bills and college and stuff) will be left behind, -exactly- like they are on legit servers...

Whats gonna happen? That second category of RMT players will -still- be plaguing the legit servers, because thats the only place where they will be getting what they are currently doing RMT for, aka: be ahead of the pack, look cool, be worshiped, whatever. having played games where RMT was allowed, even tiny less known ones, I can say that 200-300$ isn't going to get you all that far... Right now you can dump 70-120$ and get top of the line armor like an hauby or a scorpion harness in FFXI... but often in games where RMT is allowed (or in games where its far more common than here), you need to dish out 500$+ to "Look cool".

In other words, the people who truly beleived in RMT and its worth, and actualy would TRULY rather the game be that way for their enjoyement, will be on the RMT enabled servers... However, the little deep ***** that plague the legit servers with their transaction just so they can show off their e-genitals, will STILL be plaguing the old school servers...
Station Exchange
# Apr 20 2005 at 3:22 AM Rating: Decent
People are missing it. SOE is NOT going to be selling Platinum, gear, levels, AAs, flags, etc Anything at all. They are going to provide an "escrow" type service. They will allow players to sell to each other and attempt to end the scamming that happens all too often.

You have X pp to sell? SOE puts it in holding, someone buys it and SOE gives you the money minus a small % of course. This way SOE will know the parties involved, and should a scam happen, SOE can deal with it.

Friend got scammed trying to buy an account, the idiot. Buying an account is wrong and violates the EULA, but it does not excuse the deplorable behavior of the person who did the scamming.
RE: Station Exchange
# Apr 20 2005 at 11:01 AM Rating: Default
People are missing it. SOE is NOT going to be selling Platinum, gear, levels, AAs, flags, etc Anything at all. They are going to provide an "escrow" type service. They will allow players to sell to each other and attempt to end the scamming that happens all too often.

You have X pp to sell? SOE puts it in holding, someone buys it and SOE gives you the money minus a small % of course. This way SOE will know the parties involved, and should a scam happen, SOE can deal with it.

Friend got scammed trying to buy an account, the idiot. Buying an account is wrong and violates the EULA, but it does not excuse the deplorable behavior of the person who did the scamming.

And what are to prevent SOE from making faking accounts with equip they can sell for a profit ?

We seen companies cheat with things to get a profit, what will happen if a department manage are under preassure and has been told, you need to make us a profit of 20 mil US dollar, if you cannot you fired..

Also, as I see it. SoE has been forced to put warnings about things that can happen when you play the game.

Will they also have to put into the game, warnings that this game can cause damage if you get addicted and you buy an amount of equipment, instead of paying off the bills you should have done.

As I see it, this is something MORALE, and SOE are breaking morale rules about selling a game, that can make people addicted to a thing and cause them to forget to pay rent, it is actually a [b]DRUG, and drugs are [/b] ILLEGAL.

RE: Station Exchange
# Apr 20 2005 at 6:13 AM Rating: Decent
139 posts
And how long honestly do you think before SOE just starts summoning plat/items to get a even bigger slice of the pie?
RE: Station Exchange
# Apr 28 2005 at 6:19 AM Rating: Decent
And how long honestly do you think before SOE just starts summoning plat/items to get a even bigger slice of the pie?

To go one step further. How long before they start making special items only available via Exchange. It's the sellers who will be making the most money.
Slightly over-exaggerated, but still a possible doom.
# Apr 20 2005 at 3:01 AM Rating: Decent
I look at the posts here and can't help but feel some people are jumping the gun on this one. So they say they're going to make it so that people can sell plat and items for real life cash, we all see that. What I want to know is where these ideas about purchasing AA points, levels, and flags came from?

Sure, this will be one hell of an adjustment to make, but if you don't like it, don't use it. In my opinion, should this take off, it should be limited to certain servers so that those who want to get items quick or make a little money can stay there, while the rest of us won't have to suffer the inflation horrors in the bazaar that will be sure to follow a move like this.

I play a level 54 Ranger on what used to be the Karana server, I soloed him to 50 in what I can honestly say was the longest run I've ever played a character. Up until now, his gear has been seriously craptacular. Only after breaking the 50 mark have I been able to get some decent upgrades, and that's almost solely due to the fabled mobs making their comeback. Hell, I've still got bits of Ry`Gorr on me at 54, and proud of it!

Would I drop those pieces should the oppertunity present itself? Only if it's a drop I or a group I'm in bring down ourselves, or if I pick it ip in the bazaar with my hard earned plat. I know I'm not alone in thinking this way, there are a lot of veteran players who look at the gear their character has, know it's crap by today's standards, and feel that sence of pride that they were able to claw their way up with only what little they had, and the knowledge of where and how to hunt to keep themselves alive.

Do I fear the station exchange system? No. Will I use it? Probably not, who can say for sure till it hits. What I do fear, is new players with more money than they know what to do with, decking their toons to the nines from level one, and relying on said gear to get them through. Not even bothering to explore and develop the skills needed to play their class sucessfully. In other words, an influx of "L337 n00bs" who have no idea what they're doing, training the living sh*t out of everything when their uber gear fails them.

It is my, and a good number of other people's, worst nightmare. Just about everyone's had it happen to them at least once. Several times over if your luck happens to suck! And it is this that truely frightens me about this whole station exchange thing.
teamwork is gone
# Apr 20 2005 at 2:58 AM Rating: Decent
When i first started playing EQ the game was all about groups of people getting together in order to succeed in taking down a boss mob to get that 1 special drop for one certain person.That was the appeal of the game. Making lasting friendships by working together.Guilds were there to help individuals get that gear.Also if you were to lose your corpse in an area you were too low for then your guildies would come to your rescue and fight and die to get your corpse back.
All that is now gone.The deep friendships that were made by working as a team are no more.
Sony has succeeded in changing the nature of the original game in such a way as to void the need for teamwork.
I have been watching all the wonderful features that took away the need for teamwork such as the PoK portals and the summon corpse feature Oh and let us not forget the Bazaar.
All the work to get gear is gone.
I want the old EQ back where if at level 1 you died you better know where or you lose your gear.
LOL i remember having a horde of guildies running around looking for my corpse in Rathe mountains.
All who remember back to when the game was a challenge will say this is another nail in the coffin of a game that became a part of thier lives for time.
I will stay with the game for a bit longer but i see the end so near that i am ordering the flowers for the funeral.
It's too bad because i met and enjoyed the company of so many great people in this game.
It's like watching a friend with a terminal illness and knowing that you cant help to cure it.
Well there is my rant on this.
Been like this in Asia for years
# Apr 20 2005 at 2:06 AM Rating: Decent
44 posts
Several MMOs have been doing this in Asia for years. This is nothing new and considering that its not going to directly affect me, fire it up. Someone who has more money than time wants to purchase a virtual item for real money? Go nuts. I won't do it, but who the hell cares if someone else does. Its been going like this for 5 years in EQ, so why is this the end?

Noone has ever said WHY this is bad, just that its bad, and they are acting like some fainting southern belle, "ohhhhhh - swoon".
RE: Been like this in Asia for years
# Apr 20 2005 at 4:44 AM Rating: Decent
Yes... and in Asia they also have companies that farm these and sell the drops/money en masse. They have kids working the computers and perma camp areas. When someone else tries to hunt somewhere, PK toons are loaded and kill them, then the farming continues. This way, the drops are exlcusive to the company with a 24 hour claim to the camp.

Yeah... that's just peachy.
Great, Just Great
# Apr 20 2005 at 12:45 AM Rating: Good
5 years of playing, still walking around in what is coincidered for all extensive purposes " crap gear "

now to see this crap..first they did away with the boats, then added the PoK ports..then the maps..then the bout Sony calcs the time I spent sitting on the dock and running around Dreadland ( blind ) and converts that time to exp.

I know it hasnt happened to eq1 ( test server ) but I can see it will, you can smell the fear in SoE ( smells like BIG FISH syndrome )

WoW?...where everyones gone

Safe hunts and rare ( or paid for ) drops to you
Jumping to Conclusions
# Apr 20 2005 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
Wow I cannot believe how so many people posting here are jumping to such conclusions without a shred of factual basis. What are you thinking when you are posting here complaining about being able to "buy a End-Game Geared Character with Full AA's and whatnot" when there is not anything in Mr. Smedley's letter stating what will and will not be allowable in the Station Exchange?

Edited, Wed Apr 20 01:30:37 2005
doesn't matter really
# Apr 20 2005 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
Before everyone gets all pissy and screams that they will never play again, please think about this rationally.

This is nothing new. It has been going on for years. IGE, Supersales, etc. Sony is making a move to to cut into their profits.

If you dont like the idea of it dont use it. Plain and simple. I am not a supporter of it, but I can see how it can help some people. With all the guilds (at least on my server) completely ignoring Planar flagging, absolutely no chance of GoD progression, and now intrest in OOW is starting to falter, getting the high end gear is close to impossible. Of course those of us that have clawed our way through each level with the most ghetto of gear, to finally stand at lvl 70 with the gear we worked to earn, will look at these people with some distaste and lacking respect.

The biggest downside to this will be the inflation of prices in the bazaar. The easier it is to get large amounts of plat, the easier it will be for people to hike the prices up to compensate. I personally think it will destroy the economy that has evolved since the beginning of EQ.

We had a rather ammusing situation when a group of friends got together to play AD&D, that would fit this rather well. We came upon a poor country, but we had recovered a very large amount of silver pices. To make a long story short, after getting some rough treatment from the local officials, we decided to dump the entire load of Silver into the middle of the city and walk away. Old school players of AD&D and DM's easily understand what this would do to the economy.
RE: doesn't matter really
# Apr 20 2005 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
Coming from a server where plat has a ton of power, trust me, it's already done damage. This just multiplies it, becuase every issue is now legit. Even though still agaisnt the EQI EULA... it's literally SOE admitting "We can't fight it, so we're not even going to try."
RE: doesn't matter really
# Apr 20 2005 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
508 posts
"We can't fight it, so we're not even going to try."

They could fight it pretty easily, they just would rather have the money themselves. Its about pure greed, and they are more than happy to sell off the customer satisfaction for quick money. Its a short sighted approach to business, sell anything and everything and hope people still remember why they would want to be a customer in teh first place.
End of EQ
# Apr 20 2005 at 12:18 AM Rating: Decent
I've spent the past year or so that I've actually played EQ seriously fighting EBay... particlarly the guild that's been most involved and it's now leader... Tonight, I had to eat crow and endure insulting tells from that jerk, and I can't even say he's cheating anymore...

I just..... the **** is wrong with you people... seriously? Can you not just play a game, do you need high numbered pixels that badly?

This... this is the end of EQ.
# Apr 20 2005 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Talk about destroying the game ... IF it will last another year expect to see something like this ...


SOE has just merged with Yantis Inc and also just finalized a contract with EBay !! We are happy to announce along with this HUGE Merger that starting today in the SOE Online Store you may purchase the following ...

$10 per Alternate Advancement Point !

$20 per level of any one of your characters !

$100 for a Complete EP/PoTime Flag + add an additional $100 this week and You'll be Fully GoD Flagged !!

$200 for a Complete GoD Flag !

Order TODAY and we'll have your character Ready to Roll in under 24 hours ! (for an additional $100 all services will only take 6 hours !!)

Be Sure and Check out the "GEAR ME" section on the SOE Online Store and get that same character Fully Anguish Geared too includeing all lower flags for ONLY $1000 !!


I can actually see it happening ... which will be the end of EQ ... So Much for the Vision (tm) ... Thanks SOE for Ruining the Game !!!

Wildcaller Krykatt Mousebane

Edited, Wed Apr 20 01:20:59 2005
# Apr 19 2005 at 11:44 PM Rating: Default
Talk about completely destroying the game. This is what you call complete, and utter "bull".
It's all downhill from here
# Apr 19 2005 at 11:36 PM Rating: Decent
Depending on how they control this (and not just how they claim they are going to), this could be a good thing.

1. They shouldn't have to waste their time on people selling their stuff then trying to claim it vanished.

2. I hate the overall idea of selling stuff for real life cash. I mean, comon, earn it for yourself and stop trying to take the easy way out.

3. If this goes through out EQ and EQII (and not just kept to certain servers), I know I'm not going to touch the game again.

4. Big question I have is, they let people transfer to the "selling" servers, but are you allowed to transfer back to another server? I say no, otherwise you can just farm stuff, transfer to the server, sell the stuff, and transfer back. I say if they go to these selling servers, they stay there. Just my 2 cents.
# Apr 19 2005 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
This is an excelent idea. I hope they include EQ soon.
# Apr 19 2005 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
reflecting back now that i have a 64 wizzy, (totally untwinked and totally unPLed) i do not think 1 would play another toon all the way 1-60. So this would give a me an option to try another class.
However i do not think i would any ways, half the reason for playing EQ is to take pride in your character. At level 64 I am proud that of the gear i wear, that i have 5k mana pool when buffed, that i earned a 100k horse, ect. I am proud to be an XTC on xegony and of the planear progression we are making.
I could never take as much pride in a toon that i bought as a toon that i made and raised. Being able to buy plat or gear or toons with real money would totally void my sense of pride, so i do not think i would ever do it.
Selling items for cash though would not void this, and i suppose if an item i have would bring i descent asking price i probably would sell it though i doubt, the real life profit woudl be worth the time put in.
# Apr 19 2005 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
They do this and gil sellers will become 10x as prevalent. I personally think this is a horrible move on the part of SOE. If anyone actually thinks of any good that can come from this I would certainly like to hear it.
# Apr 19 2005 at 10:32 PM Rating: Default
23 posts
That's just ... sad. I guess SOE can't do anything to them so figured they might as well just join them.

It's a sad day when you can start playing and the first day buy a End-Game Geared Character with Full AA's and whatnot ... makes ya ask why the hell you wasted 6 years playing all your guys and getting them better and better ... But I also have to look at it's those 6 year's of Friendships and commoradery that you could never just "Buy".

I really hope this Bombs and becomes a litigation nightmare for them unless they get alot of Lawyers like EBay ... but EBay is still not safe ... there's always loopholes ... I'll be one of the first to try and find them too ! Smiley: grin Smiley: motz

Wildcaller Krykatt Mousebane
Karana Server ... errr ... whatever server ...

**Krylain is not retired ... just on vacation Smiley: glasses Smiley: boozing **
Like It Matters.
# Apr 19 2005 at 10:20 PM Rating: Default
362 posts
IGE will still have their gilsellers on every server on every game. It won't change a damn thing. All it'll do is make the non-gilsellers raise the prices due to greed and the gilsellers will watch and follow so both will make money while prices continue to inflate. Nice going SoE. I wonder how well you balance your checkbook and how much you lie about your stocks to get people to buy stock in Sony.

SE will NOT agree to this regardless of SoE's investment into SE. I think SE could actually tell Sony to go **** themselves on this whole deal they're trying to do and still come out without them as an investor. Though lately I HAVE been wondering if there's any official information on how much of SE stock SoE actually owns.
Knew it was coming
# Apr 19 2005 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
139 posts
I think we all knew this or something similar was coming sad to see its here. It wont be long untill they are making the items and selling them instead of players camping.
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