Changes to Rules of Conduct

From SE: The following section of the FINAL FANTASY XI Rules of Conduct have been updated and will take effect as of Jul. 21, 2005: Prohibited Conduct in FINAL FANTASY XI The Rules of Conduct are considered to be part of the FINAL FANTASY XI User Agreement. Please read them carefully and make sure you understand them before you play the game. The Rules of Conduct can be found under "Rules & Policies" on the FINAL FANTASY XI top page.


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Save my ears
# Jul 29 2005 at 2:09 AM Rating: Decent
I don't understand the big deal. The biggest reason I want to use windowers is, I run Launchcast while I'm in game. I'd like to be able to shrink the window and change songs the next time Celine Deion starts howling "I'm your lady".

Edited, Fri Jul 29 03:14:03 2005
3rd party programs
# Jul 25 2005 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
for one windower itself does not impact anything serverside. And, from a systemic point of view, windower is no more against the ToS then having an OS period. bots and stuff are a totally different story. Lemme put it like this. This game is MMO and as such there are some periods of in activity(IE lfg). Even games such as doom 3 and others where there isnt any real inactivity allow you to play in windowed mode. So why would a game where u can go hours just waiting not allow your computer to do anything else. Anywho i think its really easy to make the arguement that windower is an OS. Its an OS for one program. If they really want to ban windower, then they really need to ban windows.
Alt-Tab >,<
# Jul 25 2005 at 4:29 AM Rating: Decent
Has anyone ever been Tabbing between targets, see what they want and alt-Tab back to what they just pass... oops. Full screen mode lost. It really irritates my party when I do it as a whm... I am learning... or at least the beatings have slowed.

If you are not allowed to do it, why are you allowed to do it?
RE: Alt-Tab >,<
# Jul 26 2005 at 7:45 AM Rating: Excellent
34 posts
try using the 0 button on your number pad instead...
# Jul 23 2005 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
WOW has a windower. WOW does not have "Teh l33t Hax". WOW has fewer server problems than FFXI...

Hmmm... SE had beter catch up, or their gonna lose more than they think. Running a program in dedicated fullscreen is LAZY programming, a patchwork security measure that is easily broken at best, and totally broken (Haxored!) at worst.
RE: WOW...
# Jul 23 2005 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts

Have you played WoW???

I actually quit playing cause the lag was so incredibly bad it was unbearable at times!

FFXI has problems with random diconnects sometimes, yes...
But WoW seems to be riddled with them ALL the friggin time.

And no, I'm not a millitant FFXI fanboi. I played and enjoyed WoW quite a bit (xept for the lag... aARrgH thE lAggG)
# Jul 23 2005 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
I'm curious... does anyone have a dual monitor setup.. if so can you run applications on your secondary dualview monitor?
That's not against the TOS . and would be a legtimate way to surf the forums and this glorious site for information while ingame..
I have a vid card that will support it.. I can pick up a cheap 15" somewhere if it will work.. tempted to do so.. but first would like to know if anyone's tried.
I haven't used the windower because it's not accepted and I'm too lazy to dload and install it.
RE: Question.
# Jul 23 2005 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
I have my old 19" for my secondary monitor and bought a new 21" for primary.. you can have web pages for what you want arranged on teh secondary monitor before you fire up FFXI, but once the game fires up you can't do anything on the second monitor. I usually have the vanadiel clock fired up too, and if i'm going to be doing a certain quest, I have the allkhazam page open to it. Dual monitors are definately useful, but not very usable.. if that makes sence.
RE: Question.
# Jul 23 2005 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
Nope - FFXI uses a DirectX module that locks out all other graphical windows. Can't even watch anime while waiting for group. Best I've managed on this box is having Vanadiel timer in the background.
windower sux
# Jul 23 2005 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
yes if pol can be in a window then they should allow a ffxi window

i mean the viewer being in a window is kinda useless unless ur updating

anyway dont trust windowing software my friend lost all charater data from one how? ive no idea but shes a lvl 11 now T.T
This does nothing
# Jul 23 2005 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
If you use a windower, or at the very least Azaril's windower, you can't get caught. Its undetectable, completely clientside, so unless SE puts spyware into FFXI they can't tell if you're running it.
# Jul 23 2005 at 6:53 AM Rating: Default
I think an In-Game build windowing system might actually be a good idea. I don't use windowers, BECAUSE of the Rules of Conduct. However, if I could, I wouldn't have to have my wife's PC booted up to come to allakhazam and look stuff up while I'm playing.

I understand what they're getting at, but hackers will always be looking for ways to circumvent the security measures. And there will always be disruptive players. Letting these people know that their behavior will not be tolerated is a warning only. They can't really STOP them. But they can ban them when/if they catch them.

Sad that a game that's meant to be fun should need this much headache to keep the fun rolling for those of us who like to do things right.
Third partying
# Jul 23 2005 at 2:45 AM Rating: Good
WEll what Square are talking about is Windowers or out of game programs(for all the noobies to the concept third party). Winders can inter-course the games mainbase and of course short the size of the games view into a box (blah blah) this somewhat messes up the games structure. i for one think square could make a Ingame built Windowing system, like Phantasy stars, i man yea there is a Few hackers in the game, but at least it will give some people what tehy want, (no Fullscreen crashing!) thats the only issue that i feel is wrong with the game, just trhe crashign part, something goes on in the back ground in my pc and BAM i am out of the game before i can blink or realize it, losing some exp or maybe a nm i been camping for 45 hours v~v
Changes to Rules of Conduct
# Jul 23 2005 at 2:05 AM Rating: Default
Changes to Rules of Conduct
# Jul 23 2005 at 2:04 AM Rating: Default
<<<LOoks at POL...
<<<<stares at POL's comment....
<<<<<<Points at POL for what they posted on there.

Man this is the doumbest thing they've ever
"Commit" to. IF they're gonna do something
Why not accutally "Commit" To something that
is needed to be fix. Like the damn POL errors
that they So called fixed.

my 2 gill
# Jul 22 2005 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
i think they are mainly reffering to disruptive players ie, players that do massive /randoming in jeuno. its really bad in alex server so. as far as third party programs go, SE really leaves us no choice when they give us a game you cant alt-tab to. thats just unnecessary annoyance. anything else beyond that, effect gameplay dirrectly, (alt-tabbing will not save your life in anyway or get you anywhwere special, or get you anything special) then that should be prohibited.
for reference
# Jul 22 2005 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
868 posts
Third Party Programs mean programs that directly affect the performance of the game, alters the structure of the game, or alters the performance of the players therein. Although outdated for the most part, some examples of this would be: Windowers, SpeedHacks, LevellingBots(Teleporters), ClaimBots, FishingBots, MineBots and Jump Programs
RE: for reference
# Jul 22 2005 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
i was being sarcastic i know what they meant.. but like i said all programs on your system are covered (SE didn't put the definition in the new agreement)

edit: Damn typos...

Edited, Fri Jul 22 19:42:51 2005
# Jul 22 2005 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
so what is considered a third party program... if i have BT in the background is that bad?... 'cause i'm using while i play FFXI.. not to mention the OS O.o
RE: um...
# Jul 23 2005 at 12:04 AM Rating: Default
160 posts

Edited, Jan 5th 2013 8:13am by Anthoron
RE: um...
# Jul 23 2005 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
no i was being sarcastic... they don't define what you're allowed to run (other than no bots for third party specific) but you're not aloud to use anything that SE hasn't said yes too or given you... what so ever... i don't think they've said BT Downloading my anime at a capped speed is alowed... though i do that...
Oh, the Hume-anity!
# Jul 22 2005 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
Sorry, had to do it. :p

EDIT: Reference first post here

Edited, Fri Jul 22 17:52:50 2005
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