All Worlds Maintenance (Sep. 4)

From Square-Enix: At the following time, we will be performing FINAL FANTASY XI server maintenance on all worlds. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XI will be unavailable. We ask that those players who were scheduled to enter Dynamis at the time of the maintenance wait until it is over before entering. Please note that we do not guarantee any items that may be lost during the period of the maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience. [Affected Period] Sep. 4, 2005 from 12:00 to 15:00 (PDT) *Maintenance completion time may be subject to change. [Affected Services] FINAL FANTASY XI [Important Update Details] Resolution of several issues.


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I don't care
# Sep 06 2005 at 1:37 PM Rating: Default
289 posts
Honestly, anybody who complains about three hours of downtime can go play WOW and leave the game for the sane people.
# Sep 05 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Excellent
2,793 posts
Sarcastic Grinder
"Wonderful maintenance we had. SE really fixed some issues, this time."
Too much server maintenance
# Sep 05 2005 at 9:00 AM Rating: Good
yeah but in WoW they don't charge for the days that they are down. They add an extra 24-72 hours to your next pay cycle
RE: Too much server maintenance
# Sep 05 2005 at 9:40 AM Rating: Default
Which sounds all good and wonderful, but look at the numbers. 30 days to a cycle, on average. The price of the game per month is only 12.95 a month. They game is down for 3 HOURS in the case of FFXI. Sure, have them throw that extra .05 right on to the next billing cycle, ok? That's not a random number, this maintainence is 5 freaking cents. A damn nickle. Since the 14th of August the game has been down for about 9 hours. Oooooh noooooo, you're out 15 cents, and that is counting this round of maintainence. Just because they update at hours that suck for you doesn't mean they are down for the whole day. A few hours at a time doesn't warrant a refund. Of course you could always write an angry letter and maybe they will send you one of those big checks for your 15 cents in the past month.
RE: Too much server maintenance
# Sep 06 2005 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
799 posts
a company that gives credit for "down time" normally doesn't credit the exact time it was down.. it credits the entire day. For example, in the past, my cable company has had periods where I called to complain that the cable was down, it ended up being for a few hours, but those were the few hours I was going to watch. They credited the whole day. That should be the normal way of doing business.

regardless of the amount of actual down time, clients ARE paying every month for a service, and expect to have the service for which they pay when they go online to use it. It's rather simplistic to calculate the exact amount of time in minutes and divy that up among the monthly minutes to sarcastically respond about $0.15 reimbursements.

I can't say that I'd like to be reimbursed for time I couldn't play, and I AM happy that S.E. does the maintenance that needs to be done. However, when maintenance becomes such a regular and frequent occurance that it eats into my playing time, well, I expect some sort of corporate response other than "we're terribly sorry".

One example of how they could deal with the issue could be to send crystals to everyone's moghouse, the way the moogles did last year during that event. It's not a "financial" incentive, but it's an in-game recognition of peoples' patience at putting up with repeated maintenance.
RE: Too much server maintenance
# Sep 06 2005 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
654 posts
Yes, we pay every month for a service. And part of that service is to make sure the game runs properly without bugs be they minor or large.
to all you ppl who complain
# Sep 04 2005 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
192 posts
I would rather have it have to be fixed frequently than not. Why? Because if they're fixing stuff, they know there are problems and are trying to fix them. How many times have you heard of bugs and/or exploits where the company didn't want to fix them? Props to SE.
Too much server maintenance
# Sep 04 2005 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
This is the only game that has the most down time. I just canceled my ID's and wont be commin back for about a month. I started playin WoW (World of Warcraft) a couple of days ago, and one thing that I noticed is that there are no zones, it's one big huge world. The only time you zone is when you go into those instance caves. BTW, i'm a Night Elf Druid 13.
RE: Too much server maintenance
# Sep 06 2005 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent
Further more zones are good for the "Oh Sh!!T pop = link ZONE IT!" it also prevents the whole server going down for various things in wow if theres a problem the whole server goes down, in FFXI if there a problem and its in lets say sandoria guess what sandoria goes down while game play stays-a-go.

And just because I am feeling a little froggy lets go on further about W.o.W they did a horrible job on trying to make things look smooth and/or substance like I.e. when you put on armor it looks painted on no wait not even painted more like crayoned on further more what's that magic word that game companies try for, an Immersive experiance, that is not something you will find on W.o.W.
W.o.W is an easy I hold your hand experiance with quest written by a fired comedian for sure. I reached lvl 48 withing the first week I believe and the content did not get any better. From what I can tell the game try's to live on humor they add more content to add more things that are humorous but it wears off quick. Following the humor comes a high lvl person that kills you for the hell of it... yea that is my idea of fun^^ let... me.... telll...ya.

Many boast about well look at how many play it oooooo looky looky, well they are living off of a good rep from there prior games which also gained the slang term " kids" but what you don't see is there churn rate which is quite high this could be seen from lil things like when FFXI did the "Return home to Vana'diel" campagne servers filled up quite abit real quick amongst other things. Basically what you have left on W.o.W is " kids" and other great people with names like Ownsjoo and haxxxxor that are just waiting to run up on your low lvl self kill you and call you a n00b.

ok...ok I think I am done.
RE: Too much server maintenance
# Sep 05 2005 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
WoW is so boring. I have WoW and didn't enjoy anywhere as much as FFXI. and how dare you speak of WoW in a higher respect on a FFXI forum. Shame on you.
RE: Too much server maintenance
# Sep 05 2005 at 1:44 AM Rating: Decent
And in WoW every month they take the servers down for 24-72 hours at a time.
RE: Too much server maintenance
# Sep 04 2005 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
who cares about zones atleast ff11 doesnt look like complete crap like wow does.
RE: Too much server maintenance
# Sep 05 2005 at 11:55 PM Rating: Decent
i concur lol
if you love wow so much quit chating in ffxi forms and goe complain in Wow server forms wasting our time
Wow.. this is funny
# Sep 04 2005 at 10:13 PM Rating: Good
Oh well it's 11pm EST.. was signed on.. leveled nin to 11.. went to switch to mule.. having login difficulties. at least before, i could sign in.

oh well. let me cover it all now for everyone's sake...

The Slow Learner
I don't understand how this and that could happen.. blah blah blah.

The "Can I get something" Person
SE should give me something for all of this downtime.. some gil.. some money back.. blah blah blah

The Mommy/Daddy Wannabe
Why are you people complaining about this and that.. it's just this and that.. blah blah blah

The Arrogant Idiot
You noob this.. you newb that.. you're a nub.. don't you know anything.. I know everything.. blah blah blah

The Conspiracy Theorist (Myself)
This is BS.. I bet something else happen.. All these servers can't go down at the same time for DDoS attacks.. blah blah blah

Thanks to Notacka

The "Acomplishment" person
I mowed my lawn during the maitenance... I laid pipe during maitenance....blah blah

The Busy person
This was the only 15 minutes I could play all week and now there a maitenance.... I work all week and now theres a maitenance...blah blah

No one should have to respond to this because all of the responses are already there.. HOWEVER.. If you see anything I left out... please feel free to add other types!
RE: Wow.. this is funny
# Sep 07 2005 at 12:41 AM Rating: Decent
The idiot
Oh well it's 11pm EST.. was signed on.. leveled nin to 11.. went to switch to mule.. having login difficulties. at least before, i could sign in.

oh well. let me cover it all now for everyone's sake...

The Slow Learner
I don't understand how this and that could happen.. blah blah blah.

The "Can I get something" Person
SE should give me something for all of this downtime.. some gil.. some money back.. blah blah blah

The Mommy/Daddy Wannabe
Why are you people complaining about this and that.. it's just this and that.. blah blah blah

The Arrogant Idiot
You noob this.. you newb that.. you're a nub.. don't you know anything.. I know everything.. blah blah blah

The Conspiracy Theorist (Myself)
This is BS.. I bet something else happen.. All these servers can't go down at the same time for DDoS attacks.. blah blah blah

Thanks to Notacka

The "Acomplishment" person
I mowed my lawn during the maitenance... I laid pipe during maitenance....blah blah

The Busy person
This was the only 15 minutes I could play all week and now there a maitenance.... I work all week and now theres a maitenance...blah blah

No one should have to respond to this because all of the responses are already there.. HOWEVER.. If you see anything I left out... please feel free to add other types!

yea its pretty funny, he is doing teh Daddy one as we speak, Compaining.

RE: Wow.. this is funny
# Sep 05 2005 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
For the 'Conspiracy Theorist', you forgot the random .hack//SIGN annology. "I bet the system is being attacked by hackers and then a random piece of the programming is going to go insane and trap someone in game and make them run around and cause havoc!' ... As long as there's Yuki Kajiura music, I'm happy. ^_^
RE: Wow.. this is funny
# Sep 05 2005 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
More like "Actually, SE does not have control of the game, they just make it available to many players as a Vagrant AI controls the game and all of it's major quests, and puts people in comas" btw, .hack kicks *** w00t
RE: Wow.. this is funny
# Sep 04 2005 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
what about

the guy who rubbs it in
everything is working just fine for me i was able connect, switch mules and everything blah blah blah.

Edited, Mon Sep 5 01:19:26 2005
RE: Wow.. this is funny
# Sep 06 2005 at 3:58 AM Rating: Good
/slaps Loot

Stop it! His signature is big enough as it is. I really don't want to have to scroll two or three pages just to get past his one line post.
What a Joke!!
# Sep 04 2005 at 10:10 PM Rating: Default
3 hours of downtime and the Auction houses and everything else is still broke. Someone in Square Enix needs to get slapped around for their part of this stupidity.....
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