1.9.1 Patch Notes

- World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.9.1 (2006-01-10) General - Various disconnection issues have been fixed. Druid - Heart of the Wild - Previously, when shifting to Bear Form or Dire Bear Form, this talent would cause your current health to increase by the same amount as your max health. Now it will cause your percentage of max health to be the same before and after the shift, as well as shifting back to humanoid form. As a result, shifting in and out of these forms will no longer cause an increase in current health. - Druids with the Symbol of Unending Energy will now be properly awarded 30 energy if their finishing move is dodged, parried, blocked, or missed. - Feral Charge – Should no longer desync characters from the server when charging from land to water. Paladin - Silence effects should now work properly with Improved Concentration Aura. Priest - Mind Control - Now functions properly. Previously, the person who was charmed did not appear to be moving on their screen or any other local clients. Warrior - Charge – Should no longer desync characters from the server when charging from land to water. Items - Elixir of Poison Resistance now removes up to 4 poison effects up to level 60. The immunity effect has been removed. - The Winter Veil Disguise Kit now has a short casting time and can only be used when not in combat. Quests & Reputation - Chapter 2 of the Twilight Lexicon for the quest "The Twilight Lexicon" should again drop from the appropriate NPC. - The "Field Duty" quest for Alliance should now work properly. User Interface - Using the search feature "Usable Items" no longer causes all pages on the auction house after the first to appear blank. - Various errors occurring during use of the default user interface have been fixed. - The /split command has been disabled.


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# Jan 16 2006 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
- Various disconnection issues have been fixed.


Edited, Mon Jan 16 16:11:38 2006
# Jan 14 2006 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
the shifting out of bear form and gaining healht rocked and now they go and nerf it this sux. it helped in pvp alot too.
# Jan 14 2006 at 3:44 AM Rating: Decent
I belive if you do /e something when you're beeing mindcontrolled, the other faction can read what you're typing.

Don't know if they fixed it or not yet though.
# Jan 12 2006 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
1.9.3 will come around very, very soon no doubt. 3 patches in one week is already quite impressive, doubt they'll make it 4, so we gotta wait a little while for these much needed fixes. Look at it this way, they must've changed a lot. At first I thought the charge/feral charge from land to water was to do with the new fishing, but put that alongside the "hopping" bug.. suggests they changed a lot with how the server handles player movement. They might've completely changed our pathing system, who knows.

What REALLY annoys me is that they took the test servers for 1.9 down WAY too early. So not only is the client itself full of bugs, but pretty much every UI mod (at least, every complex one) is bugged to some extent. I use CTmod, which for some reason isn't saving settings between sessions, constantly resetting my bars and my UnitFrames. And I don't blame the CTmod devs for that, I blame Blizzard.

We should be greatful though. At least.. uhm.. uuh.. fishing is cooler..
# Jan 12 2006 at 2:26 PM Rating: Default
they have been through 2 patches already since 1.9, first, people and the emotes were not working right, and i couldnt find drops or anything, plus, there are several monsters bugged, and i couldnt use any skills with my priest.

Later, i would LAG while i walked, and people "teleported" and "hopped" around the map....this morning, about 7:00 (eastern) i was online, and they had issued a Server Restart on Skywall, and im sure the other servers too, but anyways, after the restart, Low & Behold, there was another patch to be downloaded. That makes 19.2...and, supposedly, the ONLY thing that was fixed in this patch, was the glitch walking....they are getting messier and messier with the updates...
# Jan 11 2006 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
i knew /spit wasnt disabled, i just wanted to knwo what /split did so i said that so someone would explain in an indirect way.
RE: lol
# Jan 18 2006 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
"/split #" would divide # copper amongst your party (yourself included). Unfortuneately, since this was a rather unknown command, people would tell their PuGs "Hey everyone! type /split 100000, its really cool!"
Elemental Invasions
# Jan 11 2006 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
Uhm... the invaders only spawn during an Event called Elemental Invasion. During this event a named Elemental with 4 matching guards (linked) spawns as do others, in this case whirling invaders. After some time they despawn again (the other invaders simply don't spawn again after being killed) or if the named is killed its the same. There's air elemental in SIlithus, Water on the frozen lake in WInterspring, fire on the volcano in UN'Goro and stone in the north-eastern tip of azshara.
The reason why I posted is that the spawn of invaders doesn't depend on how many of the standard-mobs you kill but only if the time is right.
Whirling invaders & Essence of air
# Jan 11 2006 at 12:56 AM Rating: Decent
After patch 1.9, I never saw WHIRLING INVADERS and ofcourse ESSENCE OF AIR.
Dust stormer: drop = nothing ! (after zillion kills)
They says that drop rate of Essence of air are increase !
Maybe !?
But where and from which mobs ? :(

Good luck in searching for Essence of air !

Let the force be with us !

P.S. Maybe changes apply with 1.9.1 and maybe I'll see ONE Whirling invaders and ONE Essence of air after twozillion kills !?
RE: Whirling invaders & Essence of air
# Jan 11 2006 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Didn't they only appear during an 'Elemental Invasion', like with the fire elementals in Ungoro? That might be a reason they didn't appear when you tried to grind them.
# Jan 10 2006 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
They disabled /spit!
Now all i can do is /lol when ever i own an ally, at least if it a NE girl i can still do /e has sex with -NE girls name here- corpse.
RE: What?!
# Jan 11 2006 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
Though it would be good if they got rid of /spit, only 14 year old brats use it.
RE: What?!
# Jan 11 2006 at 2:52 AM Rating: Decent
They didn't disable /SPIT they disabled /SPLIT. This command splits your money and gives it to your party members. If you say /split 100 then 100% of your money gets split into X pieces while X stands for the players in your party.
RE: What?!
# Jan 11 2006 at 2:52 AM Rating: Decent
They didn't disable /SPIT they disabled /SPLIT. This command splits your money and gives it to your party members. If you say /split 100 then 100% of your money gets split into X pieces while X stands for the players in your party.
RE: What?!
# Jan 10 2006 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent

when you do "/e *whatever*" to the other faction, all they see is "%name makes some strange motions" or something.......................
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