Allakhazam Updates for January 13

New Items: Pleiades Card ; Toolbag (Shihei) ; Betelgeuse Card

Updated Items: Wise Wizard's Bilbo ; Wise Wizard's Anelace ; Tactician Magician's Coat ; Combat Caster's Cloak ; Mercenary's Gi ; Mercenary Captain's Doublet ; Scroll: Instant Reraise ; Royal Archer's Longbow ; Royal Footman's Boots ; Royal Footman's Bandana ; Royal Footman's Gloves ; Royal Footman's Clogs ; Royal Footman's Trousers ; Royal Spearman's Spear ; Royal Squire's Helm ; Royal Spearman's Horn ; Royal Squire's Collar ; Reserve Captain's Lance ; Reserve Captain's Pick ; Reserve Captain's Greatsword ; Reserve Captain's Mace ; Royal Knight's Aketon ; Royal Knight's Chainmail ; Royal Swordsman's Blade ; Royal Knight's Cloak ; Royal Squire's Robe ; Royal Guard's Sword ; Royal Squire's Chainmail ; Royal Squire's Halberd ; Royal Guard's Fleuret ; Royal Footman's Vest ; Royal Footman's Tunic ; Scroll: Instant Warp ; Royal Archer's Cesti ; Royal Archer's Sword ; Iron Musketeer's Gambison ; Iron Musketeer's Cuirass ; Centurion's Scale Mail ; Legionnaire's Circlet ; Legionnaire's Harness ; Fish Stock ; Cotton Tofu ; Cibol ; Special Present ; Hierarch Belt ; Sacred Sword ; Primate Staff +1 ; Primate Staff ; Little Worm Belt ; Astral Rope ; Shade Tiara +1 ; Augmenting Earring ; Chocobo Jack Coat ; Fisherman's Tunica ; Vagabond's Tunica ; Robe +1 ; Robe ; Bronze Harness ; Leather Vest +1 ; Leather Vest ; Tunic +1 ; Tunic ; Kenpogi ; Dagger of Trials ; Echo Drops ; Eye Drops ; Scorpion Shell ; Chiroptera Dagger ; Squirrel's Delight ; Steppe Stone ; Hagun ; Barone Corazza ; Platoon Disc ; Trader's Slops ; Baron's Slops ; Parana Shield ; Solid Mail ; Scale Mail ; Brass Harness +1 ; Doublet ; Doublet +1 ; Brass Harness ; Linen Robe +1 ; Linen Robe ; Worker Tunica ; Kingdom Tunic ; San d'Orian Tunic ; Kingdom Vest ; San d'Orian Vest

New Quests: 2005 Starlight Celebration

Updated Quests: All By Myself

New Mobs: Ken ; Mauricio ; Gabriele ; Ricaldo ; Nigel ; Oslam ; Joosef ; Michele ; Dereck ; Sahgygy, W.W. ; Variko-Njariko, W.W. ; Ajimo-Majimo, W.W. ; Ochocho, W.W. ; Tsonga-Hoponga, W.W. ; Darumomo, W.W. ; Roshina-Kuleshuna, W.W. ; Teldo-Moroldo, W.W. ; Magumo-Yagimo, W.W. ; Orukeke, W.W. ; Voranbo-Natanbo, W.W. ; Tememe, W.W. ; Bright Moon ; Jersey ; Paore-Kuore ; Maata-Ulaata ; Kolapo-Oilapo ; Fuahah ; Laillera ; Harvetour ; Gachemage ; Colmare ; Adalefont ; Mionie ; Kasim ; Sowande ; Lobho Ukipturi ; Laimeve, R.K. ; Limion, R.K. ; Matica, R.K. ; Eaulevisat, R.K. ; Pitoire, R.K. ; Ballie, R.K. ; Doladepaiton, R.K. ; Jeantelas, R.K. ; Pilcha, R.K. ; Paise, R.K. ; Salimardi, R.K. ; Prunilla, R.K. ; Credaurion, R.K. ; Yoram, I.M. ; Sarmistha, I.M. ; Fighting Ant, I.M. ; Dedden, I.M. ; Ghost Talker, I.M. ; Daborn, I.M. ; Lindgard, I.M. ; Calliope, I.M. ; Tsunashige, I.M. ; Pure Heart, I.M. ; Takamoto, I.M. ; Wise Turtle, I.M.

Updated Mobs: Velociraptor ; Terror Pugil ; Sand Lizard ; Sand Cockatrice ; Goblin's Rabbit ; Beach Bunny ; Snow Gigas ; Rime Gigas ; Lugat ; Goblin's Tiger ; Gigas's Tiger ; Cold Gigas ; Goblin Hunter ; Tsuchigumo ; Goblin's Spider ; Antican Decurio ; Mahien-Uhien ; Ipupu ; Banege, R.K. ; Naguipeillont, R.K. ; Ennigreaud, R.K. ; Slow Axe, I.M. ; Ryokei, I.M. ; Kopopo ; Chomo Jinjahl ; Benaige ; Vicious Eye ; Ryan ; Cletae ; Kueh Igunahmori

New and Updated Areas: Airship Jeuno - Kazham ; Airship Jeuno - Windurst ; Airship Jeuno - Bastok

New Recipes: Sacred Sword

Updated Recipes: Eye Drops ; Echo Drops


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# Jan 13 2006 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Hey pikko, you sure have been going hardcore on updating the site.
RE: Wow
# Jan 15 2006 at 6:03 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
It's pretty easy when you have a lil guy attached to your chest and all you can do is sit around and be there. ^_^
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


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