Afternoon Update

Huxley: Danielle Vanderlip takes a look at Huxley, the new MMOFPS by Webzen. This new game is using the Unreal 3 engine and will be available to PC and XBox360 users. Waiting for Huxley at Pirates of the Burning Sea: Fafnir takes a look at the Pirates of the Burning Sea. In this E3 preview, he discusses many things such as the game's setting, the loot system, guilds, and the four factions. E3 Preview: Pirates of the Burning Sea at RF Online: Ryan Allen from GiN has reviewed Rising Force Online and has given it 3.5/5 gems! Give Me PVP, Please! at The Legend of Ares: has released SIX new exclusive screenshots of the Legend of Areas. The Legend of Ares: Six Exclusive Screenshots at World of Warcraft: Blizzard has released THREE new Burning Crusade screenshots! Take a look and see the new lands, armors, weapons, and more! 3 New World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Screenshots at


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