New Star Wars Galaxies Info!

Some updates to the Star Wars Galaxies official Website! Here's some of the highlights: An updated FAQ includes new info like this: 10.17 Can I build multi-story buildings? Or buildings that extend underground? Yes, you can build multi-story buildings. We haven't finalized the exact floorplans for all player-buildable structures yet, but the technology exists for them to extend underground. A new post in Adventures in Game Design Here's a snip: So, most of you know how the stats work by now. There's three sets of three. You distribute points between all three. Everyone gets the same amount of points to distribute. The species modifiers mean that everyone has different ranges. So we were thinking about the attributes screen when you create your character, because it's due to be redesigned with more final UI soon. Make sure to Sign up so you can participate in the message boards!
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