The 0.0 Experiment

Roughly three months ago, a newbie player named INNOMINATE NIGHTMARE [sic] started a thread on the official forums detailing his new experiment: go into lawless space with a new character, a million isk in the wallet and see what happens.

Three months, countless clones and ships, 2 billion ISK and a successful IPO later, INNOMINATE NIGHTMARE is still going on with his experiment, churning out regular updates.

Should I answer? Or should I ignore him? Would he make me walk the proverbial plank? I decided to be a brave n00b and to answer the call, despite the fact that he was a member of the "Cursed Killers"....

After saying "Hi", he informed me that he had read my bio and that he "wanted me". This led me to three possible conclusions:

1) He wanted me to join his corp.....
2) He wanted my body....
3) He wanted my dead body.....

Figuring that a random homosexual invitation was unlikely, this deep into 0.0 space (although I have seen posts on these forums by a member of the "Minmatar Homosexual Rights League" so anything is possible), I eliminated option #2 and pondered the other two for a while.
Frequently hilarious, punctuated with images and convo logs with prominent people in EVE and praised by developers and player alike, The 0.0 Experiment has proven to be a worthy read for anyone considering entry into 0.0, as well as those used to it's differing reality.


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