New Chronicle Up

In the words of CCP's Gnauton: "A new EVE Chronicle has been posted on the EVE Chronicles section of the web site. This week's instalment, "Eye for an Eye," penned by EVE player NTRabbit, is the tale of a capsuleer's bloody revenge."

I think I found it easier to hate them. I had to feel something; being neutral about it implied that I did not care enough to form an opinion. Without that, there would be no reason or drive to continue. The feeling of hate allowed me to be here, to do what needed to be done without pause or contrary thought. I did not pity them, though, for I had run short of pity long ago; so much so that I had none to give, even for those who needed it.

One can also find it nestled amongst it's brethren in the EVE Chronicle section on the Official website.


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