New Devblog - Reflection on Revelations

There's a new Devblog up on the official website, penned by QA Dept. Manager Ulfrr. It is, in a way, "a year in review" on QA for the Revelations patch, as well as detailing how things are changing in terms of bughunting in CCP. Excerpt:

When Revelations was first deployed, the server was consuming a lot of memory and we had a series of irregular CPU spikes we had not seen before. Proxies were maxing out and crashing, database load spikes were occurring, and jump queues kicked in unnecessarily. Then we had to reset the cluster-load balancer which caused unbalanced load for a couple of weeks causing more problems. The petition queue rose to a new high of 10,000 petitions.

It's an interesting read, if only for the sake of the rarity that detailed information on the inner workings of an MMO company is in the industry.


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