The E-ON Awards - new Devblog from Zapatero

Amidst the glitz and vague delusions of grandeur comes a new devblog from E-ON Editor Zapatero. But don't take my word for it:
Back during the Fanfest, E-ON’s pint-sized publishing guru, Xicon, mentioned to me something about hosting some kind of E-ON-themed gathering in London, where the players of EVE would the be the stars, and where attendees could all bask in the glory of our collective achievement as members of a unique community. In short, he suggested that we (MMM Publishing, rather than CCP) host a real and very proper awards ceremony, one that required a swish venue, the services of some sort of catering company, loud music, alcoholic beverage consumption (in moderation, of course), trophies and - most importantly of all – some kind of voting/nomination wotsitmahdoodah doohickey. (Apologies, I have a hangover. Words are failing me.)

Red carpet extravaganza for EVE? Sounds like a plan.


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