New Chronicle: Methods of Torture - The Gallente

CCP's Abraxas finally came through again with a new story, which he describes in his post on the official EVE-Online forums.
Today's piece is called "Methods of Torture - The Gallente". As I mentioned in an earlier thread, this is a bleak and ugly story. Of the four torture stories, this one comes closest to describing what real torture is all about: Not extracting information, but simply breaking someone down. Also, as with the other stories, this one is critical of its Empire. The Amarr story showed (in a light-hearted way) how a rigid, religious society produces a mad framework of freakish torture, and the Minmatar story asked what its revenge-bent society did to the people caught up in its hatred. This story poses the question, well, if you have a society where everything is permitted and where physical gratification comes first, what happens when its darker elements take those conditions to heart?


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