Update Details

From PlayOnline.com:


The exciting new Chocobo Racing feature has been introduced!




New monsters known as “Goblin Bounty Hunters” will now appear along the coastlines of the following areas:

Valkurm Dunes/Batallia Downs/Buburimu Peninsula/Qufim Island

The names of certain monsters appearing in Nyzul Isle have been changed.
Cannonball → Friar's Lantern
Bifrons → Friar's Lantern


Several new synthesis recipes have been added.

[Resolved Issues]

An event during the quest “Promotion: Chief Sergeant” progressing in an incorrect manner under certain circumstances.

An incorrect message being displayed when talking to the NPC Shahayl in the Nyzul Isle staging point.

An incorrect message being displayed when talking to the Chocobo Racing Association NPCs in San d’Oria, Bastok, and Windurst.

The inability to correctly exit from Assault and Salvage areas when under the effect of the Poroggo ability “Frog Song.”

The effect of the monster ability “Granite Skin” not functioning as intended.

The physical blue magic spell “Disseverment” being incorrectly classified as a magical effect and being usable with the “Burst Affinity” ability.

The inability to place other furnishings on top of the “wardrobe” item when using the Layout function in your Mog House.

The item help text for “gil” not being displayed.

The top Auto-Translate Dictionary entry under Text Commands in the French and German versions being blank. If this entry was selected, only the red and green brackets would be displayed.

The game occasionally freezing when displaying a message in the Friend List.


Post Comment
# Mar 29 2007 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
515 posts
lolbifrons ;_;
# Mar 29 2007 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
I'll do whatever I please. SE is stupid cause they dont consider all variables. They ruin a portion for everyone in order to stop a small group, how idiotic is that. Some players liked the trains, they liked all that stuff. Yeah, lets put aggro mobs at the beaches cause these fishermen are ruining the game base. Never affected me. For those who get all ticked off about it, your just taking the game way too seriously. Get over it, its a video game. Me, I already am. Oh and BTW its not moaning, its called making an opininated statement.
# Mar 31 2007 at 11:02 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
I was in Dunes leveling up the other day, and it's not like these new mobs are any worse than Exorays that pop in that one corridor in CN. And the Bounty Hunters are easy to avoid, just move camp up a bit farther on the actual beachhead, or learn their spawn times to take them out when they repop.
# Mar 29 2007 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
55 posts
this may not have anything to do with the new mob.. but does anyone know if they did something with the the ordinary "blob looking" leechers in these area?
was pt in valkurmdunes today (by the oasis.. didnt dare to exp at the beatch anymore) and the pt next to us seem to aggro leeches time and again..
First i tought: stupid ppl dont they know those link like crasy, dont fight those.. then it happened again and this time i saw no provoking move towards the leech, didnt the first time ether btw. After whiping 3 times that pt left. Then another weird thing happened. A solo player, mighthave been from the surviving pt suddenly got aggro from one of them O.O.. it was so weird.
Anyone know whats going on?
Valkurm Dunes
# Mar 29 2007 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
Well, I saw 2 of these flying (and by that, I mean fast) around Siren Sands while solo-ing my DRK15. LS member said they agro to Fisherman so i'm like, wth. Ran up to one and it started whacking me!!

Cool thing is though, once I started running away. I didnt get hit once again. I ran as far as Selbina, but didn't enter and by the time I got through the gates, the Gob has turned round and ran off to the other beach.

Conned VT, High Def and Eva to me as DRK15/WAR07, so maybe around lv20 ish.
Goblin Bounty Hunters
# Mar 29 2007 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
I purposely went hunt for the bounty hunter today... I will agree they are the quickest mobs I have seen so far... they appear to have about 450 to 600 hp and with gil finder 1 they give about 45 gils... nice mob if you want to test your aimming skill with a ranged weapon... like to know what they agro on. I will probably go back this weekend just to play with them and find out...
# Mar 29 2007 at 7:20 AM Rating: Decent
i saw one of these things yesterday(dunes)and it was 1 of the fastest mobs ive seen when not on agro...but i was onry 35thf and it was too weak..im not to sure what lvl it it...but i just couldnt believe how fast they made it >.>
# Mar 29 2007 at 7:02 AM Rating: Decent
Goblin Bounty Hunters...bahahahahahahah!

I absolutely love it!
Whinging bastards...
# Mar 29 2007 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
All I can say is, what the crap ever, i.e. who freaking cares. Obviously Square-Enix thinks RMT or what or mindless people without any sense of intelligence. Like its so hard to lev to the point of no aggro or has been said put in a script to auto-attack the mob. This game used to be so much fun for me. But SE has ruined it with all this @$~!# to stop RMT, MPK, etc. Onlu a short time ago it was so enjoyable. but their mine set now is "must stop RMT, must stop RMT" -.-. And alot of the blame is cause players complain about it. Funny thing is, RMT, if anything has shown they are able to do one thing no matter what, they adapt. Slow them down, of course, no question there. Stop them, not even, because they will adapt.

Stop ******* moaning!

Yes players complain about RMT, and MPK because it ruins the fun for those who want to play the game the way it was designed to be played. i.e. with help from friends, and not cheats and bots etc etc.

Who cares? Obviously many more people than you, and that´s why SE have done something about it.

Will RMT adapt, quite probably, so what. SE and the player base will adapt too. It does slow them down, and this is a good thing.

Simple solution to your problem though, if you don´t like the game, stop playing, and if you aren´t playing stop coming onto the game forums and moaning about a game you no longer play.

At least SE are listening to their player base, and acting on what they think is right.

# Mar 29 2007 at 12:49 AM Rating: Default
All I can say is, what the crap ever, i.e. who freaking cares. Obviously Square-Enix thinks RMT or what or mindless people without any sense of intelligence. Like its so hard to lev to the point of no aggro or has been said put in a script to auto-attack the mob. This game used to be so much fun for me. But SE has ruined it with all this @$~!# to stop RMT, MPK, etc. Onlu a short time ago it was so enjoyable. but their mine set now is "must stop RMT, must stop RMT" -.-. And alot of the blame is cause players complain about it. Funny thing is, RMT, if anything has shown they are able to do one thing no matter what, they adapt. Slow them down, of course, no question there. Stop them, not even, because they will adapt.
# Mar 29 2007 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
I like french toast on my syrupy waffles!
Bounty Hunters!!!
# Mar 28 2007 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
I can't wait to see Batallia littered with the bodies of gilseller bazaars sitting right outside Jeuno. Hopefully they'll be included to patrol all the enterances to Jeuno.
Here's a thought
# Mar 28 2007 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
503 posts
Maybe we'll get lucky in that every time a gil seller is killed by a bounty hunter, the bounty hunter will take some of the gil sellers MONEY....

...hehehe... that would be nice...

Or maybe have an option that after they're killed... they have to STAY DEAD for a full hour... logged in... :-)
when ya find out
# Mar 28 2007 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Soon as someone finds out .. post it lol... Im very curious what they did but cant log on for a while ... work ><
# Mar 28 2007 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,649 posts
Looks like I can't go AFK along the coast anymore.
# Mar 28 2007 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
So what level will these be? cause if they are only level 10, it wouldnt take long for the RMT to level past that and begin fishing. Or maybeit aggros anyone actively fishing. If your not botting, turn around and kill it, then press on.
Bounty Hunter
# Mar 28 2007 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
Keep in mind guys that SE didn't say what lvl etc the Bouty Hunters will be. For all we know they could be lvl 10 mobs (Cause lets face it, that'll easily kill a lvl 1)
New mob
# Mar 28 2007 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
129 posts
New monsters known as Goblin Bounty Hunters will now appear along the coastlines of the following areas:

Valkurm Dunes/Batallia Downs/Buburimu Peninsula/Qufim Island

Hmm, very subtle, SE.

I absolutely love that they called these gobs "bounty hunters."
Heck, they should just call these "Goblin Exterminators," Or maybe "Goblin RMT Killer."

Or best yet,

"Goblin Please-the-game-RMT-you-are-not-welcome-here-and-you-are-ruining-the-experience-for-everyone-ers"
# Mar 28 2007 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
900 posts
I can't wait to log on, wander over to Qufim Island, and watch the total mayhem/carnage/mass death/etc.

This rocks!!! But wait, I fish on Qufim Island too skilling up on Gigant Squid, what's gonna keep me from getting pwned by one of these Goblins?
o ya
# Mar 28 2007 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
so they are for killing gilsellers and bot fishers ?
new bounty hunters
# Mar 28 2007 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
314 posts
does anyone else think its funny that SE decided to call these guys bounty hunters? that says without a doubt that their purpose is to eliminate a specific person or people. now we just need free roaming lv80 mobs that aggro underleveled subjobs and were set!
# Mar 28 2007 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
599 posts
I just wish they wouldn't be there to ruin parties on snips down there.
# Mar 29 2007 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
37 posts
I said the same thing..

"Yay! no more level one fishing bots in Qufim! They have bounty hunters patrolling the... oh.. wait.... NOOOOOOO! that sucks!"

Maybe they'll be around the level that it won't affect you while partying in Qufim and the other areas? Because taking the snips by the cliffs as the South End of the map has always been a good place to party.. It would be a shame if they ruined that :(
another worthless maintnance
# Mar 28 2007 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
419 posts
New monsters known as “Goblin Bounty Hunters” will now appear along the coastlines of the following areas:

Valkurm Dunes/Batallia Downs/Buburimu Peninsula/Qufim Island

Where might I find more information on this? I would assume Mercy is correct that the bots would inevitably die from these but are there any other benefits? Good drops? Anything?
goblin bounty hunters
# Mar 28 2007 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
haha goblin bounty hunters gonna be out for some bounty
another worthless maintnance
# Mar 28 2007 at 12:31 PM Rating: Default
dang why cant they include any GOOD changes :/
another worthless maintnance
# Mar 28 2007 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
163 posts
So Goblins killing off the level 1 fishing bots along the coasts of the popular botting areas isn't a good change?
another worthless maintnance
# Mar 28 2007 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
163 posts
So Goblins killing off the level 1 fishing bots along the coasts of the popular botting area isn't a good change?
another worthless maintnance
# Mar 28 2007 at 1:08 PM Rating: Default
This is better then you think..

1.Kills Gilsellers
2.Kills Gilsellers
3.Agro's and kills Gilsellers

lol this is expecially good for the fishermen that get jewed like me >.>
another worthless maintnance
# Mar 28 2007 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
unless they aggro all people fishing I dont see how this will be such a huge problem for RMTs to get around, just go and lvl the stupid fish bot to x lvl where the gob wont aggro, unless there like lvl 60 then lol so many legit fishers get screwed. not to mention lvl 60 mobs running around those ares = many many dead noobs.also it is possible to add into the script for a bot a function where it kills anything that aggros it.

The only real way to take care of such botters is to have random GM tells to all fishers in said areas on a constant basis with varying questions that change on a regular basis.

But that would mean SE would have to get a few more GMs for each server to keep up with this. which cost them money, which most companies don't like spending if they can get away with it.

hell what am I saying there would still be botters just really clever and complicated ones lol.

kinda Sucks to be in SE's shoes they have a tuff nut to crack when it comes to RMTs
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