May 22, 2007

New Items: Rich Flesh ; Boneyard Shiv ; Return to War (Master I) ; Return to War (Adept III) ; Return to War (Adept I) ; Return to War (Apprentice IV) ; Return to War (Apprentice III) ; Return to War (Apprentice II) ; Pariah's Brand (Master I) ; Pariah's Brand (Adept III) ; Pariah's Brand (Adept I) ; Pariah's Brand (Apprentice IV) ; Pariah's Brand (Apprentice III) ; Devoted Ministration (Master I) ; Devoted Ministration (Adept III) ; Devoted Ministration (Apprentice IV) ; Devoted Ministration (Apprentice III) ; Deathly Blade (Master I) ; Deathly Blade (Adept III) ; Deathly Blade (Adept I) ; Deathly Blade (Apprentice IV) ; Deathly Blade (Apprentice III) ; Aspect of the Hawk (Master I) ; Aspect of the Hawk (Adept III) ; Aspect of the Hawk (Adept I) ; Aspect of the Hawk (Apprentice IV) ; a damaged average quality shark skin

Updated Items: Spotted Yellow Beetle ; Spotted Purple Beetle ; Spotted Blue Beetle ; Spotted Black Beetle ; Striped Yellow Beetle ; Striped Purple Beetle ; Striped Green Beetle ; Striped Blue Beetle ; Striped Black Beetle ; Spotted Green Beetle ; Plain Yellow Beetle ; Plain Purple Beetle ; Plain Green Beetle ; Plain Blue Beetle ; Iridescent Blue Beetle ; Plain Black Beetle ; Iridescent Orange Beetle ; Iridescent Green Beetle ; Iridescent Indigo Beetle ; Iridescent Violet Beetle ; Trophy: Silbern's Sword ; striped tan moth ; Bracelet of Chipped Shards ; Smiting of the Werewolf ; Scepter of Smiting ; Shattered Wood Elf Bone Fragment ; Shattered Iksar Bone Fragment ; Pariah's Brand (Apprentice II) ; Shattered Troll Bone Fragment ; Shattered Ogre Bone Fragment ; Shattered High Elf Bone Fragment ; Devoted Ministration (Apprentice II) ; Deathly Blade (Apprentice II) ; Scuffed Shard of Conjuration ; Aspect of the Hawk (Apprentice III) ; Aspect of the Hawk (Apprentice II) ; Bracers of Growth ; Bracers of Decay ; Shattered Ratonga Bone Fragment ; Snarling Shawl ; Scuffed Shard of Alteration

New Quests: The Final Ingredient ; Finding Millie ; Flightless Birds of a Feather ; Wanted: Ithari K'Xyrae ; Zerilia ; Another's Help ; Collecting the Spirits ; A Spirit Key ; Studying the Ancient ; Rich Fresh Fish ; Funnelweb Study ; Execution ; Seeking Uko ; Faydew for Tana's Mentors ; Tana's Task

Updated Quests: A Greater Threat (DW) ; Featherless Fliers ; Natural Duty ; Reclaiming the Sablevein Tear ; The First Step ; Prowler Annoyance ; Elemental Encroachment ; Progressive Growth ; Hatching a Plan ; The Concoction ; Studying the Old ; Lore and Legend: Skeleton ; Beetle: Iridescent Beetle Collection ; Lore and Legend: Werewolf ; Digging Deeper (DW) ; Uko's Mentor ; Signs of Growth ; A Greater Threat

New Mobs: Millie Flunknuttle ; Vicolvir Do'Oussvirr ; Malagas K'Vueervs ; Qualnvrae R'Ozitar ; Joran D'Plinth ; Kacha X'Rzheduis ; Malleus Incus ; Barhriir D'Maeep ; Li'Neerala N'Zsitar ; Wehldril T'Vethilyl ; Ilztrak J'Xyliath ; Jhultyrr D'Vethirurden ; Pharaonar D'Zeiryn ; Spirdax D'Xavirr ; Nadvyr De'Xizynge ; Tazinid K'Qhairyn ; Shi'nafay T'Auvrylyl ; Woderd T'Hunxin ; Dead Eye Massassi ; Tartrin N'Vavirr ; Sabalriia Do'Zaett ; Weaponmaster Grae D'Loch ; Balhriir J'Zsiep ; Maerschel Calin T'Vor ; Suspinil D'Zeatlar ; Zebeydorl Z'Tazighym ; Talvrae T'Orirae ; Tebzt K'Rxoervs ; Barfein H'Claddar ; Kirak N'Tan ; Drill-Master Gratias ; Trainee Jhulrae K'Zyett ; Trainee Drizyln D'Rxomtor ; Trainee Larafay K'Vyath ; Trainee Ilivkiira Z'Vethirahel ; Tsabd S'Xiund ; Gintza K'Hunxin ; Faviln Cobbleblork ; Merkel D'Roun ; Molssysn V'Oxaarn ; Shyntisstra V'Tyrixin ; Old Salty ; Phyra Zesmice ; Klorn Twofingers ; Maleyl D'Aleflor ; Claviclus K'Zaett ; Rylal K'Xineld ; Quarual D'Vzhiath ; Rile D'Everhirr ; Bruhlin Z'Viarn ; T'Roveus M'Otal ; Staria T'Martyl ; Phyrra S'Vivirr ; City Registrar NVar ; Umraeatar T'Qhaett ; Jhanxena X'Qhoath ; Tebtrin De'Zeaani ; Shrirysn Z'Tyhaghym ; Ultra ; M'Kai N'Faer ; Phaeravin Z'Kilth ; Relondor X'Xaurden ; Anson D'Ryil ; Vittoria D'Ryil ; Alesandra D'Ryil ; Zylock D'Ryil ; Jeremije D'Ryil ; Remell T'Gyerius ; Frascher D'Ryil ; Innkeeper T'Vox ; Trielomph S'Kenflor ; Matteus Gaines ; Zarig T'Vaeliin ; Alyda Vlonniss ; Ilmiira T'Oziarn ; a House X'Rzheduis slave ; Miller Dramigan ; Bhari Dramigan ; Charvar Hoofscraper ; Riley Aprilia ; Billy Dramigan ; Janey Dramigan ; Maggie Dramigan ; Shuffles ; Ilztaonar V'Setiate ; Phlagra N'tiri ; S'Handa De'Arnsek ; Starm N'Tiri ; a House De'Tretlar slave ; Phaerolin Z'Aleanar ; Elktyrr T'Tyhaval ; Phaerven De'Texizin ; Wruzlin Do'Zeralyl ; Talabdril S'Tekenghym ; Vlonryn J'Treflor ; Duageth J'Veund ; Quevzar T'Oziar ; Phaerkacha J'Zarahel ; Eclavearra De'Treep ; Malmice N'Qhovirr ; Zilvmur'ss V'Xyervs ; Hatchdinn Y'Xyxin ; Elkerd V'Vethith ; Zerilia ; Seneschal Vorilon ; Lieutenant D'Vythival ; Lawvyll K'Aletar ; Jaron Var ; Ilphdiirn J'Aleanghym ; a wellspring denmother ; a Sableflame incanter ; a bristly spinner ; a voracious spinner ; a Briarstone watchman ; a Briarstone initiate ; a Briarstone ancient ; a Briarstone slayer ; a Briarstone bloodsipper ; A Fayllian Protector ; Sage Duppoditt ; Sage Delkkunn

Updated Mobs: Viconoar K'Xaar ; Belarshalee Do'Torlyl ; Vincent Aprilia ; Tracee Aprilia ; Searscale ; Alakzaer T'Aleet ; A Safar of Maj'Dul ; A Faewood Arbiter ; A Faewood Evoker ; A Faewood Oracle ; A Fayllian Trickster ; A Grovespirit Caller ; A Fayllian Prankster ; A Fayllian Kibitzer ; A Fayllian Jongleur ; A Fayllian Vicar ; A Fayllian Safeguard ; A Fayllain Diviner ; A Fayllian Arcanist ; A Grovespirit Stormchanneler ; Uko ; a docile kodiak ; A Greater Growth Essence ; A Growth Slither ; Sage Grappodutt

New and Updated Areas: Darklight Wood

New and Updated Abilities: Return to War

New Guides: Neriak: A Tour
Updated Guides: Dark Elves Rejoice! ; Hello Level 80!


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