June 11, 2007

Likely to be one of the largest database updates I've ever had the privilege of posting here at EQ2 Allakhazam, I bring you our update for today! :)

New Items: SkullcaverDinged Reaver PauldronsGrowth Fused BootsGrowth Fused TunicRed Oak RecurveCloudy Broadcloth Traveler's CloakCarmine Broadcloth Traveler's CloakCanary Broadcloth Traveler's CloakRays of Faith (Master I)Rays of Faith (Adept III)Rays of Faith (Apprentice IV)Sacred Redoubt (Master I)Sacred Redoubt (Adept III)Sacred Redoubt (Apprentice IV)Savage Feast (Adept III)Savage Feast (Adept I)Savage Feast (Apprentice IV)Seizing Brambles (Master I)Seizing Brambles (Adept III)Seizing Brambles (Adept I)Seizing Brambles (Apprentice IV)Seizing Brambles (Apprentice III)Shielding Faith (Master I)Shielding Faith (Adept III)Shielding Faith (Adept I)Shielding Faith (Apprentice IV)Spirit of the Elephant (Master I)Spirit of the Elephant (Adept III)Spirit of the Elephant (Adept I)Spirit of the Elephant (Apprentice IV)Starfire (Master I)Starfire (Adept III)Starfire (Adept I)Starfire (Apprentice IV)Starfire (Apprentice III)Vitalic Harvest (Master I)Vitalic Harvest (Adept III)Vitalic Harvest (Adept I)Vitalic Harvest (Apprentice IV)Volatile Haven (Master I)Volatile Haven (Adept III)Volatile Haven (Apprentice IV)"Sir Lucan"silver dwarven steinShrieking Haze (Adept I)Shimmer Infused Dryland Scavanger CarcassShadowed Blade of the Vault SentrySash of the ShadowmistRuinous Heart (Adept I)Ring of DesolationResolute Faith (Adept I)Rending Fervor (Adept I)Reinforced Slippers of BalanceRain of Arrows (Adept I)Punishing Cobra (Adept I)Pristine SnowwomanPristine Regal Frostfell SconcePristine Red and Gold, Decorative Frostfell Gift BoxPrisitne Radient Frostfell BowPristine Merry Frostfell SconcePristine Green Decorative Frostfell Gift BoxPristine Glorious Frostfell SconcePristine Frostfell SnowdriftPristine Festive Frostfell SconcePristine Envious Frostfell BowPristine Blue Decorative Frostfell Gift BoxPrimitive Instinct (Adept I)Possession (Adept I)Plague (Master I)Planeswalker BootsPious (Adept I)Persistent BatteringPatron of the Forest (Adept I)Pale Ravasecti OrbstalkMistwander Waist WrapMistmoore Piano BenchMerciless Charge (Adept I)Mantle of SecretsLuda's Nefarious Wail (Adept I)Lion Fur HoopLion fur RingTouch of Arasaisacrificial urn of bilePoisoned Loaf of BreadAlchemical Medium

Updated Items: Wellspring EarringWellspring NecklaceWellspring SashWellspring BraceletWellspring BangleSnapped Gossamer WristbandSmall Chitin ProtectorSlippers of Al'KaborVentur's Trim HammerGlowing Molten GlovesThaydor's Hammer of AccuracyShining Ocular PendantTravels into a Remote Corner of FaydarkGrowth Harnessed BracersAn Efreeti Ancient PromiseAnchor (Adept III)Rays Of Faith (Adept I)Rays of Faith (Apprentice III)Rays of Faith (Apprentice II)Runic Talisman (Master I)Runic Talisman (Adept III)Runic Talisman (Adept I)Runic Talisman (Apprentice IV)Runic Talisman (Apprentice III)Runic Talisman (Apprentice II)Sacred Redoubt (Adept I)Sacred Redoubt (Apprentice III)Sacred Redoubt (Apprentice II)Savage Feast (Master I)Savage Feast (Apprentice III)Savage Feast (Apprentice II)Seizing Brambles (Apprentice II)Shielding Faith (Apprentice III)Shielding Faith (Apprentice II)Spirit Of The Elephant (Apprentice III)Spirit of the Elephant (Apprentice II)Starfire (Apprentice II)Vigilant Benediction (Apprentice IV)Vitalic Harvest (Apprentice III)Vitalic Harvest (Apprentice II)Volatile Haven (Adept I)Volatile Haven (Apprentice III)Volatile Haven (Apprentice II)Dwarven Work Boots (Light)Silver Sprocket Coin Of Ak'anonShoulderpads of the Unkempt ProphetShining Dragon ScaleShining Blade of the HarvesterShattered Half Elf Bone FragmentScepter of the Doom SwornRobe of Al'KaborQueen's CarapaceEssence of Shadows Kiss

New Quests: Cull the InferiorsA Super Secret, Evil, Dark Plan

Updated Quests: Order of Arcane: Scorched Skeletal WizardsQeynos Bounty: Smithe BluthThe Screaming MaceThe Honor in ArmorSilencing the ShriekersTome: An Old MemoirLore and Legend: BrownieAnas Mechanica ArcanaA Selection of SamplesMeet the CustodianA Lesson LearnedBrewing TroubleA Lesson to LearnA Clear Understanding

New Mobs: An Occulus Defendera Bloodhorn thrallMaster Clockwork Protocol (Mini)Zekvila DizelkScroungean enraged calcinacha Bloodhorn vestalOmbra'nadinidWu the EnlightenedNathffyn Do'VinitarMur'ss Z'Hel'ViirynEnsorcelled StoneKalraath L'Vin

Updated Mobs: Weaponsmith ThaydorHaywire OpticronThe Crimson VanquisherMaster Clockwork ProtocolKing Klak'Anon the MechnamaximusKing Klak'AnonCourt Guardian ChromtokAn Inactive Clockwork SentryA Mechnamagica Hunter-SeekerA Heavy Metal MenacerA Klakdyne Omega MagusA Klakdyne GearknightA Klakdyne Alpha MagusA Klakdroid Fortress GuardianCustodian Zaddar Sullissiaan Ethernere guardKeeper Varacus T'KurP.J. DangsprocketA Steam ElementalA Geonach RumblerA Collection PrognosticatorA Bloodhorn EnslaverA Bloodhorn HunterShaka-ScatharSon of ThunderA Shambling ShaperAn Ebon DrakeA Balespring WitchA Steam HydronachA Balespring RaiderA Raging GeonachA Balespring SirenA Ley LanternFinbert's SalesbotAgent BlenkoweebleWatchman FleepMatstyr AlesmithA Scorched SKeletal ApprenticeA Shoreline SharkAldera V'ExxaA Swoop SerpentA Torpid BloodbloomA Storm CellDirector JasmineRabblesonPhen DomlinsonDevona IronforgeCaptain Penley

New and Updated Areas: Steamfont Mountains

New and Updated Abilities: Stoneskin

Updated Guides: Don't you know what Guild I'm in?The Uber Magnifico Basic Compendium of Trade Skills!! Part 4 - Techniques and TricksThe Uber Magnifico Basic Compendium of Trade Skills!! Part 3 - The Crafting ProcessThe Uber Magnifico Basic Compendium of Trade Skills!! Part 2 - The Crafting InterfaceThe Uber Magnifico Basic Compendium of Trade Skills!! Part 1 - IntroductionCappi's EverQuest II Crafting Guide


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