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Posts: 5
Krilmar was born in da wunderful swampy place...me grew big and strong...but me liked to catch da wuddle froglock tads and pluck of dey legs...so one day Hukulk decide me make good Shadow Knight...me was taken away and taught how to REALLY make da froggies scream... One day dis guy came to talk to Hukulk...Hukulk was scared of him and bowed alot...he asked for one of da young shadow knights...and since I was dere...Hukulk gave him me...dat how me came to be a direct servant of me master, Cazic-Thule...he tell me to hunt wit dese utter guys... Bashlar, Djeron, Naeldar, Ufiel and Vindayar...said we was da Fourth Cohort...and dat we should find tings to treat like me used to treat froggies... we does dat gud...