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Posts: 7
I was born in Qeynos. At an early age I learned the pious and righteous were not to be trusted. Slighted several times for a crime of the wrong birthright, I fled to the sewers as a youth. There I learned the ways of Bertoxulous and the Necromancer, guided by the skillful hands of Mixtress Oppolla. -------------------PP---------------------- I learned the entire aqueduct system early, even mapping it myself with pen and paper. The teachings I received I practiced on the minions therin. At just my 3rd circle I had a matched pair of earings from the beast Cubert as well as a necklace and rings from others there in the waters. With my new abilities as a necromancer, some hard won swimming skill and a few stacks of silk from the spiders under the city, I began to venture out -- to find the patterns I needed to make my first suit of armor...from raw silk made by mine own hand. Saaron had but two friends in the world, one his guild mixtress, the other a mighty young chanter, born of brilliance on the far side of the world. -------------------PP---------------------- The high elf chanter had already journeyed as a youth from a far away land to Freeport. Now it was time for him to join Saaron, and so, Jepherial ventured as a youngster away from the commons, through the highlands, and across a great plain filled with terrible beasts to meet his friend. -------------------PP---------------------- With my friend now at my side, we ventured into the dreary Black Burrow. There, we practiced our skills further, and began to win the trust of the locals. I though, have not forgotten what THEY DID TO ME, not in Qeynos or Surefall Glade -- the horror I experienced there still defies my ability to record it with pen and paper. Thankfully, Jepherial's father was able to come to my aid that horrible day. -------------------PP---------------------- Soon, Jepherial began to miss the lands of the East and tried to convince me to leave my place of birth. I resisted leaving my guild mixtress, but Qeynos was overrun by a clan of rude individuals and so Jepherial's arguments weighed heavily. -------------------PP---------------------- We left the next day for a place he called FreePort, a land of wealth and trade, where magic items were often just dropped at the feet of youths! I could not believe such a place existed, but I trusted my friend and we began the long journey... -------------------PP---------------------- Many years have past, and I am today a mighty necromancer, skilled in the dark arts and confident of my ways and the rule of Lord Bertoxulous. I have and continue to spread his word and his power across the lands, bringing wealth to my friends and allies and horrible plagues to those who oppose us. -------------------PP---------------------- ...and still, I have not forgotten.