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Posts: 2
Lrae the Wizard, likes to hunt near water, just incase a spell misfires (never happens) and he has to quench the ensuing fire. Also hates rain, as a fire tossing Wizard needs things to be dry. A little lightning is ok, but no wet robes. Son of Eru the Ancient a Half Elf (not Erudite) and Sunshine the All Knowing a High Elf. Lrae loves to play with fire, this might be why his deity is Solusek Ro the Burning Prince. Lrae's favorite saying is "I'm a Wizard and Wizards just BLOW things up!" Also as a youngster, Lrae had a friend named Nibor, a Half Ogre. So, play got pretty rough. Till this day Lrae cannot just stand back and throw fireballs, he must wade into the battle with both hands. You might also notice a small dislike for boats, on a trip from Feydark to Freeport with his parents, young Lrae fell overboard. He swam back to ButcherBlock. The sad part, the boat was about to dock in Freeport. Because of this, Lrae is a VERY good swimmer and really hates boats. Lrae swam ashore on a small beach littered with small smooth stones. He liked the stones so much he began collecting them. It wasn't until much later in life that he discovered these pretty stones to be Rune Stones. And thus the large collection now found in the guild repository. (over 800 Rune Stones)