__DEL__1591771409089's Avatar


Posts: 10
I play on the Lanys T'Vyl server. I like to work up trade skills to the detriment of my leveling sometimes. I have played just about every race/class combo into the 20s at least. I like to help others in game and offer my assistance and learn from others. Look me up in game anytime if you're on Lanys. MY Main and Alts are: Mirroj Venti`Animi 32 ERU ENC 188 Pottery 165 Begging :) 135 JC 30 Sewing 25 Smithing Tella (Porter) 18 ELF DRU Rosebush 17 ELF RNG Shiksar (Ikaman) 9 IKS SHM 30 Sewing 50 Brewing Arven The`Beardless 20 DWF PAL 120 Fletching